Day 26

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April 26, 2013

Day 26:  Write a scene that takes place at exactly where you are right now.

Royce couldn't help himself. 

He fidgeted restlessly on the couch of their living room. He adjusted his shirt, making sure that it was properly tucked in and that the collars were straight. His hair was perfectly slicked back into place and his leather shoes were recently shined. 

He stared at his reflection in the television, trying to catch a glimpse of his appearance, but the gray concave screen offered no such thing. Royce rose from the couch then and walked over to the mirror hanging above the dilapidated radio his grandfather listened to every afternoon.

He wondered if he should change his shirt or use his brown belt instead of this one, but he quickly sat himself down and pretended to be calm and casual when he heard his sister's heels clacking on the wooden floors.

"Huh. Well, you look nice." she said as she appeared in the doorway all dressed up in a green baby collared- dress, their mother's shoes, and a string of pearls around her neck. Her hair was also all done up, teased fluffily and piled up atop her head like they teach you in all the latest fashion magazines she reads.

Royce rolled his eyes at his sister, Greta. Greta walked over to the mirror purposefully, and pulled out a mascara wand from her pocket. She expertly applied some and batted her eyelashes at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied. Next, she applied a coat of fresh lipstick and stalked off towards the kitchen where our mother was calling for her.

Restlessly, Royce strode over to the front windows overlooking the house right across from them, but his eyes were glued to the one two houses to its left. Any moment now, and the front door of that house would burst open. Soon enough it did, and Sophie Gregory stepped out, her hair in her signature neat braid. Royce's heart did a little summersault at the sight of her and he let the curtains fall back into place as the rest of the Gregory's piled out of the house.

He took a deep breath and started counting.

Suddenly but not unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door.

"Royce, honey," his mother yelled from the kitchen, "Can you get the door, please?"

Heart beating wildly, he willed his legs to carry him to the front door. Royce turned the knob and pulled the door open. On the other side were the Gregory's. He was greeted by a girl in a nice floral dress with a wide toothy smile. She held a full pan of apple pie.


"Hi," Royce mumbled pathetically as he stood aside to let everyone inside. 

"Where can I put this?" Sophie asked him, referring to the pie.

"Here, let me take them," Royce offered as he took the pie from Sophie.

Their fingers brushed and Royce let out a little gasp while the other giggled.

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