Day 9

25 1 0

April 9, 2013

Day 9: Write a scene with only one character, alone.

I quickly peeled off my clothes and took a quick shower. I had timed everything right down to the minute just so I'd make it in time. I blame school and our slightly demented English professor, Miss Howard.

She had kept me all cooped up in her shoebox of an office sorting through her multiple files. She was old and couldn't possibly bend over all those boxes for a very long time without hurting her back. She finally let me out four minutes behind schedule, but the smooth traffick made up for lost time.

I scrubbed myself raw with the new loofah my mother had bought for me and squirted some vanilla scented shower cream on my skin. I shivered involuntarily as I remembered what Xander had said about the shower cream.

Xander had embraced me from behind and ran the length of his nose through my hair and over my collar bones. His breath was warm on my neck, tickling me.

"You shouldn't be allowed to smell this good. It's messing up my self-control not to touch you..."

I lathered, rinsed, and repeat until I was satisfied with how I felt, how I smelled, and how I looked. Wrapping a towel around myself, I headed to my closet and moved a shirt of Xander's that smelled heavily of his perfume which accidentally found itself in my underwear drawer. I blushed even though I was alyone in our room. I knew Xander did it on purpose. So that now, all of my underwear smelled of his scent.

I selected some plain thongs and slipped them on. I also picked out the dress that Viv had suggested, the one that didn't require a bra.

I blow dried my hair for exactly ten minutes and tried to make the most of it in a half tail pinned by a studded barette that shone against my auburn locks. I applied a bit of make up here and there trying to keep things classy.

Nervously, I tried on the little black tube dress. It fit my body like a glove, barely giving me enough leg room. I checked in the mirror. Because of the ultra thight material, my panty lines were still showing.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my undies.

I checked the mirror again.


I felt too exposed, almost naked but I knew I had to look my best for my husband. Xander was, after all, taking me as his date to the charity ball.

I needed to fit in. I needed to be the perfect wife.

Finally, I was ready.

I was going to make Xander proud.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

Xander: Sorry Kitty. Taking my gf instead. tnx.

I almost cried.

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