Day 16

17 1 0

April 16, 2013

Day 16: Write a scene based off something that occured in your life.

I think I like him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him. He sat slouching on his chair diagonally across from me with his long legs stretched out in front of him. He looked good in the dark long sleeves and the dress slacks he wore. I have only seen him wear pants once before, he always capris and shorts. 

His face was set in that neutral expression he always wore, and I prayed to God that the dim lights would hide the blush of my cheeks and the way I was looking at him because I swore that my feeling were written all over my face.

My heart thudded inside of my chest as I debated on wheter or not to tell him about my feelings. 

The flowers on the table decreased as brave souls confessed of their feelings in the microphone in front of everyone.

As secrets were revealed and admirations revealed, I thought of everything I had to lose.

I would probably never see him again, anyway.

Why isn't he getting up?

That only means he doesn't reciprocate my feelings.

He already held two roses in his hands and he hasn't given his away yet.

I like him.

I really do.

But I cannot find the courage to tell him.

I had too much to lose.

Thirty Days with a Pen and a PaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora