Day 24

15 1 0

April 24, 2013

Day 24: Write a scene based off a song.

I press Shuffle.... and...

"Airplanes" comes on. Shizsticks.

There was a soft knock on the door of Mindy's room. Reluctantly, she pushed herself up from her pink ruffled bed and went to get it. 

"Hey," a boy with sandy blonde hair said arrogantly, one hand on the doorframe. His other hand dangled a styrofoam coffee holder right in front of Mindy's face, "Lemme in?"

"Stacey's out," Mindy informed him stonily.

"I didn't come for Stace," the boy said, "I came for you."

"What do you want, Austin?" Mindy asked him wearily. 

"I want us to talk."

"Then talk."

"Can I come in?" he asked again, "I brought coffee."

Mindy stepped aside to let him in. Austin headed straight for Mindy's bed and popped open the lid on one of the cups. He blew on it gently, steam curling up around him and Mindy couldn't help but wonder for the hundredth time how someone like Austin could be capable of such a gentle act. Austin handed the cup to her and did the same on the other cup before taking a sip. Mindy sat on her bed right next to Austin, tucking her knees beneath her chin and watching the brown liquid in her cup.

Finally, Austin spoke.

"Did you hear about the meteor shower tonight?" he asked her looking out the window they were both facing.

"I've been waiting for it, actually," Mindy replied.

They both fell silent, drinking their coffee and staring out the window lying in wait for a miracle. At least, that's how it felt like, waiting for a shooting star, anticipating a glimpse of the breath-taking beauty of the galaxy.

"Minds," he called her by her nickname quietly, "Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes," Mindy said softly.

"I'm sorry," Austin said, his voice uneven. "I'm so so sorry, Mindy."

Those few words held all the emotion making Mindy's tears roll down her rounded cheeks. For the first time since all that's happened, Mindy let her self cry. She didn't even wipe the tears. She just let them fall.

"Shit," Austin cursed under his breath. Just like any teenage boy, he lost his cool in the face of tears from a girl. He ran a nervous hand through his hair, "Don't cry."

But the tears just kept falling faster.

Austin awkwardly put an arm around Mindy, drawing her closer to his side. He pressed her head against the crook of his neck as she sobbed silently, letting the tears wash the pain away.

"What a tangled web we weave," Austin muttered, his eyes moist.

Suddenly, a streak of light slashed through the black velvet sky like the strike of a blade ora blur of lightning. At first glance from tear-blurred eyes, it looked like a shooting star, but it was in fact an airplane. 

"I don't think the stars are falling for us tonight," Mindy said quietly.

"They say airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars," Austin replied in regal tones,"Make a wish."

Mindy closed her eyes and wished for her heart's deepest desire.

"Did you make a wish?" She asked Austin beside her.


"Why not?" 

"Because my wish would never come true anyway," And with that, he strode off as cold as ice, letting the door bang shut behind him as he went.

Thirty Days with a Pen and a PaperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz