Day 23

19 1 0

April 23, 2013

Day 23: Write a scene involving a park bench.

I found her sitting by the bus stop, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably, her hair a curtain all around her. There weren't very many people around, just an elderly couple holding each other's hands  in the bench next to her, a nurse talking noisily on a phone, and an emo dude smoking a few feet away. She was a mess and although, it wasn't my fault. I felt responsible. I walked around the bench and sat in some senator or real estate agent's face on the bench, quite a distance away from Addie. 

She had her face buried in her hands, and anyone could tell the tears still hadn't stopped. 

I just sat there quietly, jiggling my knee as the sun began to set in our small town.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the old lady asked, catching me off guard.

"No, it isn't like that," I answered politely, "We're... acquaintances."

"Well, why is she crying?" the old man asked me.

"Did you break her heart?" the old chimed in.

I just shook my head, unable to answer any of their question. The old couple resumed whispering to each other, not paying us any more attention.

Suddenly, a bunch of guys arrived, laughing with each other, beers in each other's hands. Maybe they were going to take the bus, too. Everyone in town took the bus. When the guys arrived, they were drunk off their asses. I recognized them from our rival school. I didn't pay much attention.

But when they stared lecherously at the skimpily clad girl beside me, I got alarmed. Drunk boys were feasting on the sight of Addie!

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing here crying her eyes out?" one of them, the leader of the group, asked.

He started to reach for her, but I acted on instinct. I pulled Addie close to me, turning her face towards my chest, so they wouldn't recognize her. Thankfully, she didn't move. I could feel her hot tears soak through the thin material of my shirt. She gripped the front of my shirt and fisted her hands in the cloth. I wrapped my arms around her awkwardly and glared at the guys hoping to ward them off. I was surprised with myself. i've never really held someone so intimately like this, except in bed, but that's different. Their eyes widened as they recognized me.

"Zach, bro, we were just kidding around!" the leader said.

I have no idea how he knew my name, but I sure as hell did not know his. 

"Get lost," I said sternly.

They scrambled off like frightened mice, stumbling into each other.

"Addie?" I said a while after they have gone and Addie still hasn't let go of me nor moved from her position on my chest.

"Thank you," she muttered barely heard, still not moving. 

I nodded and moved to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. As my fingers brushed her forehead, I pulled away surprised. She had a temperature. I felt her forehead with the back of my hand just to make sure. 

"Addie, you're burning up! Addie?"

She had already passed out.

I caught her in my arms just in time, before she face planted on the cold, hard pavement of the sidewalk.

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