Seattle Day 3(Five).

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En route toward the island.

"Joel didn't kill the doctor."

Abby's mind was in complete confusion.

"The boy did."

Tommy's word is filling more and more of her mind.


'Ace. Who are you?' Abby is determined to find out her father, and Fireflies true murder.

"Abby!" Manny's call snap her back to reality. "We're here."

Now it's no time for revenge. Only Lev that matters.

Riding the boat from the city through the dark, stormy sky, in front would be their destination. Island of Scars.

Docking the boat, Manny and Abby follows Yara as she guides them towards her home.

"Is the invasion really happening tonight?" Yara, afraid of what's to come.

"Isaac said we'll use the storm as cover."

"Your boss, Isaac. What is he trying to achieve by doing that?"

"To put an end to the fighting."

"At what cost?"


Sneaking their way through, some shots could be heard from afar.

"What was that!?"

"It's a signal. Your people are here. We should hurry."

Fighting through some Scars, they eventually reached Yara's home. And not in a good condition.


Lev was there at the corner, shivering, cowering. Apparently his mother tried to kill him for breaking the rules. Accident happened, and his mother fell, hit her head against the table and lost her life in the middle of the house.

"She just keeps yelling..." Lev tried to explain but her emotions won't stop him from crying.

"You were just defending yourself." Yara doing her best as a big sister, comforting the traumatized kid.

"We need to move. Get off this island before issac sees us." On Manny's order, Lev somehow managed to compose himself and exits the place with them.

Crossing the abandoned section of the island, they managed to sneak pass some Wolves who were part of the first wave of the attack.

"Got anything from the capital?"

"More units moving inland. We caught these fuckers completely by surprise."

"Where do we meet up with Isaac's team?"

Now that question piqued the interest in Manny and Abby.

"Radio tower. Shouldn't be far."

Grabbing supplies, in and out of some buildings, until a tragic hit Yara.

She climbs out the building, and was ambushed by a Wolf.

"Got one!"


He shot Yara in the abdomen.

"No!!" Abby, rushed up towards the Wolf, exchange a few punches with each other, before the thunder flashes, revealing her to the soldier.


Abby takes advantage of his surprise, sweep him down, and break his arm.


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