Chapter 5- Project Predacon

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3rd POV (At Hanger E)

It is night time on a full moon. A military truck drives into Hanger E into front of Optimus. Fowler peaks out of the driver's seat

"Prime, what we have here is an experimental all-terrain expeditionary fighting vehicle. Designed by the finest engineers in our MASK division." Fowler explained.

"Thank you, Agent Fowler. This will most certainly do." Optimus tells him.

Fowler gets out of the military track. Optimus uses his optics to scan the vehicle with blue light. He finishes scanning the military truck as an image of it appears in his optic.

The next morning, Rachet activates the Ground Bridge. Bulkhead, Periwinkle, Bumblebee, Arcee, Miko, Jack, and Lydia look on. Raf is typing on his laptop.

"Return trajectory fluctuations have been stabilized." Raf informed.

"Ultra Magnus, we are ready to receive you." Rachet says through the comlink.

Ultra Magnus (who now a transport truck) drives out of the Ground Bridge back inside Hanger E with an energon container cube on him. Bumblebee picks up the cube before Ultra Magnus transforms back into his robot form. He walks up to the others.

"We didn't find much else in the rubble of the former Base." Ultra Magnus tells them.

Wheeljack comes out of the Ground Bridge as well, holding a lobbing ball in his servo.

"You call this "not much else'?" Wheeljack asked sassily.

He throws the lobbing ball at Bulkhead, which bounces off his chest. The lobbing ball heads towards Lydia and Miko's direction. Jack pulls Miko out of the way while Lydia backflips away with one hand. The lobbing ball crashed near them against the wall.

"Wheeljack! You could have caused serious damage!" Rachet called out.

"To me and Beauty Queen!" Miko added angrily.

She puts her hands on her hips.

"Have you lost your fragging mind!" Lydia asked angrily as she points at Wheeljack.

In the office, Fowler gets up and walks towards the damaged door. When he opens it, the lobbing ball is blocking his path.

"A little help here?!" Fowler yelled in irritation.

Jack, Miko, and Lydia look at each other before trying to push the lobbing ball. Ultra Magnus walks up to Wheeljack.

"What were you thinking, soldier?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"I was thinking Bulk would catch that lob." Wheeljack replied.

"As Optimus Prime's second-in-command, I have no intention of tolerating Wrecker behavior." Ultra Magnus tells him sternly.

"Some things never change." said Wheeljack.

"Wheeljack." Periwinkle says seriously.

"Need I remind you that it was Optimus Prime himself who assigned me to command your Wreckers back on Cybertron and get you loose cannons under control? An effective combat unit begins with discipline. If you won't accept that, feel free to choose the path of least resistance. As you did before." Ultra Magnus stated sternly.

"If my ship weren't a twisted wreck at present, I'd do that, sir." Wheeljack retorted.

He starts to walk away.

"So, any word from Optimus?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"He's investigating recent Decepticon activity, hopefully an Energon mine." Rachet answered.

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