《 Chapter 26: Hello Rosie! Pt. 2 》

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Meanwhile to Cannibal Town, Alastor escorts Charlie down the streets as he listens to Charlie, cleaning his monocle in the process.

"Three years! THREE YEARS I've been sharing my life with her, and I tell her EVERYTHING! My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits, what fucking DEODORANT I like, and she keeps something, like this, from ME? Why would she lie for so long? Did she think I wouldn't accept her? What about me—me—says un-understanding? *pauses* misunderstanding *pauses* dis-under, wait wh-"

She pauses for a moment, looking at their current location.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"Cannibal Town! There's a friend of mine I think you should meet." Alastor happily introduced.

"In Cannibal Town? But it's, it's..."

She looks at surroundings.

"...surprisingly nice here."

"Isn't it though? And it's all thanks to a very special someone."

Alastor opens the door for charlie as they enter Rosie's Emporium, where they meet the Cannibal Overlord herself at her desk speaking to a young woman at the front of a long line.

"Well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad! Hehe, I tell ya what, you bring ol' tall dark and armless to me, and I'll straighten him right out, Okay sweetie?" she explained, giving her a card. "Now here's my card a-"

She stops and notices Alastor.

"Oh, my, stars! Do my eyes deceive me?" she gasped, peeking through the crowd and making her way through. "Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"

She then notices Charlie.

"Oh. Who's this ya brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you!"

This makes Charlie roll her eyes.

"Oh I'm just kidding. I know you're an Ace in the hole." Rosie joked.

"A what now?" he asked, not understanding what she means.

She ignores him and pays attention to Charlie.

"But where are your manners mister? Introduce us why don't you?"

"Ahh, yes. Charlie, this is Rosie..." Alastor introduced.

Rosie curtsies politely.

"...the most darling, delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram!"

"Oh! Always such a charmer." Rosie chuckled bashfully.

"And Rosie, it's my pleasure to introduce you..."

He pushes Charlie up to her.

"...to princess Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell!"

"How do you do?" Charlie waved nervously.

"Well well! isn't this a regal surprise!"

Rosie pushes her to desk.

"Come in! Come in! Can I offer you somethin' to eat? I'm sure I have a leg around here or somethin'. Oh, what am I thinkin'?" she offered and then poked Charlie's stomach. "Small thing like you? You're probably watchin' your figure! How bout some nice pinkie fingers instead?"

As she spoke she got out a box of cut off pinkie fingers in little pink wrappers.

"Um...No. no, thank you, though." Charlie politely declined, freaking out at those fingers.

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