《 Chapter 29: The Show Must Go On Pt. 3 》

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Back in the hotel's foyer, Lute throws Vaggie to the ground, knocking her spear out of her hand.

"You always were weak." Lute said.

Vaggie tries to reach for her spear, but Lute flips it off the ground and out of her reach with her foot, before driving it into Vaggie's right hand. Vaggie screams in pain.

"So, I'll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die."

Vaggie looks up and sees that the mezzanine is on the verge of collapse. Pulling the spear out of her hand, she uses it to throw Lute off of her before revealing her newly restored wings to fly up and destroy the last pillars holding it up. Lute screams as it falls on her as plumes of sawdust fly everywhere. When it clears, the LED face has come off of Lute's mask. Lute's left arm is pinned under the rubble.

"Do it, then. Correct your mistake."

Vaggie glares and points her spear at Lute's chin.

"Seriously, you're pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy? No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you, the failure."

Hearing Charlie screaming in the distance, Vaggie flies out of the hole in the hotel's roof to help her. As soon as she is gone, Lute, not accepting mercy, begins to free herself from under the rubble. She screams in pain as she pulls her left arm out of its socket, freeing the rest of her body.


On the hotel's roof, Adam knocks Charlie to the ground, before picking her up and then punching her in the stomach.

"Charlie!!" Damari yelled before growling.

With her wings, she grabbed Adam by his collar and they both go high in the sky. The two started to get into their fist fight in the air before they slammed back into the ground as Adam managed to grab a hold of her neck and started choking Damari. Damari grabbed a hold of his wrists to try and get him to release her.

"Damari, you know you could join me and I will spare your life." Adam suggested. "You'll living in full paradise in Heaven with the rest of us."

"Never! What's the point?! All the sinners will keep on dying and you'll just be on charge just to see them suffer. Laughing all the way while the world goes down in flames." Damari choked out.

She then grab her sword and attempt to cut off his throat when he quickly dodged it and grabbed her wrist. Damari quickly turned him over as she's now on top of him and struggled to get her blade to touch his throat. Having enough of it, Adam grabbed her hair fistfully and pulled it back, causing her to yell in pain. Seeing her distracted, he pushed her away and flew into the sky for a moment, still holding her hair before facing her. Damari struggled to get him to release her hair as she teared up in pain.

"You had your chances, and now I'm going to make sure you were never born!"

Growling, Damari made her sword fly back to her as she glared up at Adam.


Then she cuts her hair and falls and then saves herself by flapping her wings to stay in the air. Adam looks at her in shock then to her hair he's still holding.

"Ugh! You're crazy!!"

He throws Damari's hair away. What they didn't notice the VoxTech drone quietly managed to catch her hair before going back to watching them. Damari charges and kicks Adam in the chest, causing him to stumble back. Adam charges at Damari with his fist, but she easily blocks it at full force with her shield and knocks him backwards. The two sneer at each other and began charging each other once again. When the two meet, Damari throws her shield at Adam, who catches it easily. But in that moment, he lets his guard down. Damari then slams her glowing red fist down on Adam's head, sending him crushing onto the rooftop ground with enough force to create a big crack. With her sword forward, Damari flies down to finish him off when Adam manages to zap out holy light from his fingers, which causes her to dodge it. But with her distracted, he managed to knock her sword away and grabbed her neck again. Damari tries to fight back but he tightened his hold on her while grabbing one of her wings with his free hand to tighten his grip on it to make sure it's painful.

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