Second Time Around

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Life for Spencer was finally settling down. His business was in its final renovation stages and preparing to open within the next five months. So, daughter and girlfriend  adjusted to living in Beverly Hills full time. Between his mom flying out to be with Olivia and, Mrs.Baker stuck to her daughter's side, Spencer was sure when he wasn't home, his pregnant girlfriend was being well looked after. Between joining her new gymnastics team and afternoon daycare, Gracianna gained a new routine to stay busy throughout her summer break. Most importantly, Spencer made his unborn child his first priority, hoping to be present for all the big moments.

He remembered the proud day that he attended a routine checkup with Olivia for an ultrasound. That day, he learned the gender of their little bean.

Olivia was lying on an examining table, having just had the ultrasound. Spencer sat in a chair near her head. The obstetrician entered the room.

"Well, Olivia, how are you feeling?" asked the doctor.

"Well," replied Rachel honestly. "A little chubby, maybe," She laughed, rubbing her bare, plump stomach,"But the morning sickness finally stopped. And the Perkins cramps are not kicking my ass anymore. So, I'm happy."

"My notes indicate that both decided you are ready to know the sex of the baby," said the doctor. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" shrieked Olivia. Then she smiled sheepishly. "I mean, yes, please, Dr. Howard," She looked over at Spencer. "Baby, you want to know if it's a boy or girl, right? You can sit in the waiting room if you'd rather be surprised."

'What, no. I want to know, too." Spencer assured his girlfriend, holding Olivia's hand.

Dr. Howard smiled at them, then motioned to the baby's image on the ultrasound screen. "Well, from the results of the ultrasound, we're 95% sure that in five months, you're going to have a healthy baby boy."

"A boy!" Olivia grinned, her eyes glistening with tears, already mentally picturing a mini Spencer with his cheeky smile and gorgeous brown eyes.

"A boy? We're having a little boy! Woohoo!" Spencer leaped out of his chair, pumping a fist in the air. He put an arm around Olivia, then glanced down worrisome, when he noticed her crying. He hugged her tightly. "What's wrong?"

Olivia smiled through the tears."Nothing. These are happy tears," she sobbed. Spencer chuckled softly at his hormonal girlfriend, then kissed her head, his tear stricken eyes unable to tear from the screen, conveying the image of their little boy.

Then there was the day he came home from work and found Gracianna snuggled with Olivia on the couch watching movies. Only, their focus wasn't on the loud, blaring television. No, Gigi's cheek pressed to Olivia stomach as if waiting for something to happen.

"What's going on?" Spencer inquired, sitting his brief case and suit jacket on the love seat a few feet away.

"The baby kicked!" Gracianna squealed, swaddling her little legs excitedly, refusing to remove her face from her mother's belly.

Spencer eyes widened. "I missed it!" He immediately joined them on the couch, lifting Olivia leg up, then placing them on top of his lap so that she remained comfortable.

"Come feel it," Olivia gestured, taking one of his hands in hers own, guiding it to her belly.

He waited. And waited. His smile faltered. "I missed it, babe," His slumped against the couch.

"Be patient, Daddy." Gigi snickered, tapping her finger on her mom's stomach to see if her little sibling wanted to play.

"Just give a few moments, Spenc," Olivia encouraged, squeezing his hand.

Following their advice, Spencer sat quietly, watching Gracianna strum her fingers against Olivia's stomach. It was like she knew something her parents didn't; although she'd developed a game with her unborn sibling that only she knew the rules for.

Then he felt a slight movement.

"There, Daddy! See!" Gigi hastily took his hand from out of Olivia's grasp and motioned it to the correct spot.

He waited with baited breath. And a little tap hit his hand. It wasn't anything too vivid, but he felt it. Then, another kick hit from within Olivia, stronger than the previous. Spencer smiled largely at Olivia. "Got a little soccer player in there!"

She nodded, "He's strong," Olivia complimented. "Like his Daddy."

"You really think it's a boy, huh?" Spencer recalled inquired Olivia that afternoon.

"Call it, mother's intuition," Olivia noted aloud.

Spencer said nothing, simply grinned before going back to feeling his little baby from inside.

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