32. You haven't noticed

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Me and Katie are at Ireland camp together. We haven't spent much time together at all. I understand that she's the captain and she's busy but I'm her girlfriend and she needs to make some effort to spend some time with me.

For the past 3 days she hasn't come back to the room we were supposed to be sharing. I understand if she wants to sleep by herself but she could've told me instead of telling me she would come to bed later and then never showing up.

So this morning when I woke up to the other side of the bed still untouched it was my final straw. She's busy I get that but she's not communicating that to me and it's pissing me off.

I get up, get ready and head downstairs to breakfast. I'm in a bad mood and when I see Katie at the breakfast table laughing with grace and Anna it doesn't help.

I get in the line for the coffee machine, and Katie notices me. She gets up and comes over to me kissing me on the cheek but I shrug her off not in the mood to be near her right now. I see a confused expression cross her face but deciding to give her a taste of her own medicine i ignore her. She gets the hint that I'm not in the mood to talk and walks away. I won't lie and say it didn't make me feel guilty but I've felt like she hasn't given me a second thought over the past few days and I want her to realize that it's upsetting me.


I spent the rest of the day staying out of her way. I didn't really speak to anyone, I put my AirPods in while I was in the gym and listened to music instead of chatting to the girls like I normally did. I got a few confused looks at my unusual behavior and Lucy asked me if I was okay. I said I was fine but it didn't seem like she believed me.

I felt Katie's eyes on me for the majority of the day which just made me angrier. She's only noticing that I'm upset now when I've been feeling like this basically all week and she hadn't realized.

After training I got back into my room and headed into the bathroom to have a shower. I decided to skip dinner as I wasn't really hungry right now and I would just eat something later. Instead I just put on a film and got into bed.

I was nearly halfway through the movie when I heard a knock at the door. I sighed, not wanting to talk to anyone tonight, but making my way to the door anyway.

I opened the door to reveal and worried looking Katie holding a box of food.

"Hey" she said quietly

I didn't reply, I just stepped back holding the door open wider, leaving enough room for her to walk into the room.

I sat on the end of the bed, Katie following suit. I waited for her to speak first and I didn't have to wait long.

"I brought you some dinner, since you didn't come down....." she continued when I didn't answer

"I know you're mad at me y/n but i don't know what I've done. I've been so busy with the camp that I might've done something without noticing, so just tell me so I can apologize" she said  looking at me

I felt tears pricking my eyes
"That's the problem Katie, you haven't noticed. You haven't noticed me for the last 3 days. I get that you're busy but I'm your girlfriend and I feel like you haven't even given me a second thought practically all week" I let out, taking a breath to try and slow the tears falling down my cheeks
"You've been saying that you'll come to bed every night and then you just don't show up, no reason, no explanation, no nothing and I've had enough. All I need is some communication, I need you to tell me you're tired or you're at a meeting and can't watch a movie with me because it just feels like you don't want to spend time with me" I say, my hands moving to wipe the tears from my cheeks

Katie brings her hands up to her face as her head drops into them.
"Fuck" she mumbles into her palms
"I've been a shitty girlfriend, I'm so sorry
Y/n. I've just been so preoccupied and overwhelmed and I know that no excuse. It only takes a second to tell you what I'm doing and I haven't. I'm really sorry. I want to sleep here tonight and I want to watch a movie with you. How does that sound?" She asks with pleading eyes

"Okay" i sigh, still not over her behavior but just wanting to spend time with her.

We get under the blanket, Katie wrapping her arm around me as I tucked into the box of my favorite food she brought up for me. I pressed play on the movie and we just enjoyed each others company. Both of us eventually falling asleep wrapped in each others arms.

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