chapter fifty three

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(Gentu pov)

I smiled as the group looked at my arm happy that I finally had use of both my arms again my Smith brother Yamma was the first to get up and check it out. "By the nine, this is truly a masterful work of engineering well done." Yamma praised as Gila came in with a very large pot which took a great amount of strength as even with her lycanthropy she was struggling to carry it before setting it down on the table and then running in to get multiple bowls and pulling out a ladle and then having the group past the bowl around. When I sat down I noticed that Gila had made a type of stew from what I could guess was horker meat and rabbit meat, along with vegetables consisting of tomatoes carrots potatoes and a few leeks. As we were all about to eat together I heard approaching footsteps from behind as I turned my head my eyes widened seeing Ebon-shi leaning against the wall using that daedric staff like item as a walking stick as I quickly stood up and rushed over putting my mechanical left arm around his back and taking his arm putting it over my shoulder and walking him over making sure to move it a slow pace. "Thank you Gentu, how's construction on your arm doing?" The boss asked as usual more concerned about us than himself once I had him sat down at the table I showed him my arm what she carefully examined in his hand before smiling and nodding. "It looks and feels very sturdy, once again your mastery of dwarven engineering never ceases to amaze me." Ebon-shi said as Gila passed him a bowl which he carefully took in his arms and started to eat I kept my mechanical arm resting on my lap and I ate with my one arm since I knew my mechanical alarm still had oil dripping from it in some places and I didn't want any dwarven oil getting in my food. "Hey I'm going out to sell the stuff anyone want to come with me?" Myra asked as I volunteered to go with after all I needed an opportunity to give this new limb a test run however I would also require some exercise because I've been inside for the last few days. "I'll go Myra, I need to get some fresh air anyway." I said as Sabrina, Shadow-step, Lianya, and Suvvan agreed to go to. After we were done eating we left the ruins on our horses and rode to Windhelm to sell off the supplies that we made as well as to look for bounty work. As we rode towards the gates of Windhelm we passed two Windhelm guards who stopped us at the gate. "You guys are the ones who took care of Fangtusk right?" One of the Windhelm guards asked as Myra spoke up. "Yes indeed, that horker was a big boy, it took us almost two days to eat and we are still eating leftovers." Myra said as the Windhelm guard spoke. "Well Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak would like to speak to you, apparently he has an important assignment he wishes to ask of you ironically it does not involve the war." The Windhelm guard explained as Myra nodded. "All right we will head over to the Palace of Kings as soon as we're done doing our business in town all right?" Myra said as the guard nodded. As they entered Windhelm they walked around first thing they noticed was a group of nords harassing a dunmer woman which they simply roll their eyes at yet more racist stupidity. The first thing they did was go to the blacksmith to sell off the weapons and armor that Yamma had made. The blacksmith was an honorable nord man in a red blacksmith apron with a single iron warhammer on his back with his apprentice a young nord woman wearing a white blacksmith apron who was training to become a master blacksmith herself. Upon spotting them the nord man rose and walked over to them. "Welcome travelers, what can I do for you you need a strong blade or maybe some armor?" The blacksmith asked before Myra started bartering. Shadow-step had separated from us more than likely to raid the houses he was a thief after all, meanwhile Lianya, Sabrina, and Suvvan stayed with me and Myra in the event of any racist nords attempting to start something like the loud mouth we passed who was harassing the dunmer lady earlier. Myra sold off the weapons and armor for a very good price due to her silver tongue she got almost double what they were worth. We then walked our way over to the local alchemist store called The White Phial. As they entered they were greeted by an elderly high elf who was leaning against the counter.

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