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te'marie louis

being with ms cougar was lowkey fun. i called she a cougar once last night and she got so mad. she cursed me out then pushed me down on the bed to lay on top of me.

she's so clingy. i couldn't even get up from her bed this morning without her pulling me back every attempt. i'm currently in her bathroom.

my mom called me to ask about where i was. i told her i was at navis house but she still wants me home by tonight.

"marie!" ms parker yelled.

"im coming!"

i ran back to her room and seen her on the bed wiping her eyes. she looked so cute. "why'd you get up?" she asked.

"i had to answer a call. it was my mother"

her face dropped. i laughed at her. "what did she call about.. if you don't mind me asking" ms cougar asked.

"girl she was just asking about where i was. i told her i was at a friends house but she still wants me home by midnight" i explained.

she scrunched her face up. "so you have to leave?" she asked while looking down at her feet. i laughed at her.

"yeah i have school tomorrow. plus you have a session today. it's on your unicorn calendar" i laughed.

she rolled her eyes. "i might have to reschedule that. i wanna spend time with you" she said while leaning in for a kiss. i dodged her. "or not? the fuck".

"we need to brush our teeth first. i don't wanna taste that morning breath" i pretend gagged. she rolled her eyes and flipped me off.

she gave me an extra toothbrush and stood very close to me while we brushed our teeth. her feet was touching mines. it was weird but cute.

"why can't i just stay?" ms parker asked. i rolled my eyes. she's begging to stay at her own house and call out from her session.

"because someone needs you lauryn. now go" i shoed her off. "i won't be here when you come back either. maybe i'll see you around".

she gasped. "you're leaving?".

"yes. i have things to do. i'll see you later" i pecked her lips twice. she dodged me when i went back for a third kiss.

"what things do you have to do?" she asked while looking at us in the mirror and pulling my hand closer to her face.

"i have to go grocery shopping for my mom" i said while smiling in the mirror. she was taking pictures of us. the tongue already got her acting like a girlfriend.

she took at least 6 pictures of us. "why can't you wait til i'm done? i can come with you" she offered while smiling at me.

"what happened to your job? i thought you didn't want anyone seeing us. you're being very careless" i said while laughing at her.

she rolled her eyes. "whatever. i'm going to leave so i can get to work early. i'll see you later" lauryn blew me a kiss while exiting the room.

i followed behind her so i could leave as well. she stopped me at the door.

"my neighbors are nosey so when you walk out cover your face" she said while whispering. i nodded and smiled. she left first. i watched her pull off while blowing me at least a thousand kisses.

i left and covered my face with this random folder i seen on her kitchen counter. i also took it as an excuse to stop by later.

now i have to head to walmart to get some things for my mother. she was cooking today. she said it was special.

i started the car and played good luck by nicki minaj. i wondered what the surprise was. it was probably my father.

i was at walmart and i grabbed a cart. i was walking in until i heard my name behind me. i ignored them and kept pushing my cart.

i don't want any interactions at this moment.

"surprise!" my mom yelled with my dad standing in front of her. my jaw dropped. there is no way she's serious right now.

"oh don't make that face. give your father a hug" he signaled me. i still stood there in shock. i can't believe this shit.

"hello" i said while brushing past him and dropping the shopping bags on the floor and heading to my room. i already heard screaming from him.

"she's still a disrespectful bitch" my dad yelled at my mom. i rolled my eyes. he has said worse things than that.

"will do not call my daughter that. what is wrong with you?" my mom asked.

what's wrong with her? inviting this nigga over here for a "surprise" ? what type of fuck ass surprise is that.

"oh tanya please. she acts that way because of your sorry ass" my dad yelled some more at my mom. i didn't hear my mom say anything else.

i tuned them out and listened to some music. i got a text from ms parker.

ms cougar

ms cougar: look at these flowers

:they're beautiful

ms cougar: you think so?

:yes i do

ms cougar: they remind me of you. especially the blue mixed with the purple

i blushed at her texts and closed my phone. there's no way im starting to actually fall in love with my therapist?


to be continued

to be continued

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