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te'marie louis

i told lauryn we should stay away from each other for a little since people are starting to suspect something. she told me it was fine but i told her no. i'm not putting her job in risk. i don't want to be the blame for it either.

i'm currently at home with my mom. she's truly insufferable. "i don't care. stop telling me about it" i said while walking up to my room.

"of course you don't care, you don't care about anything but yourself" my mom yelled at me.

"yeah sure whatever you say"

"being in therapy clearly is not working for you. you are still holding grudges. i don't know what to do anymore. i'm sick of this behavior" my mom pointed at me.

"i'm not holding grudges. i forgave you" i corrected her.

"is this how you show forgiveness? by acting like a brat everyday? like i don't try to improve our relationship" my mom dropped herself on the couch while sighing and covering her face.

i started to feel bad. "im trying. you apologize by showering me in gifts. i don't want that. i just want my old mom back".

"i'm still your old mom, te'marie. i never left" she said while wiping the tears off her face. i shook my head no. she wasn't the same but i can't blame her. she went through the same thing i went through.

i walked over to the couch and hugged her. i cried with her. "i'm sorry. i'm really trying" i hugged her tighter. she didn't say anything but kept on hugging me.

we haven't hugged in so long. it's like she wanted to stay hugging forever. i wanted to get up but she kept hugging me. i just let her.

i was walking around the neighborhood. i was so bored out of my mind in the house. i couldn't go to lauryn's either since the break we 're having.

i was listening to music. cap backwards by nicki minaj and swae lee was currently playing. i felt like i was being watched but i took it as me being paranoid.

i kept walking. i saw someone walking in front of me. they looked similar but i didn't pay them no mind.

i was ignoring them until they looked back at me and smiled. they started walking my way. the more they came forward the more i noticed who it was.

it was the girl from school. "hey te'marie" she said while coming closer to me.

"hey.. you?" i spoke.

"it's journi. i didn't know you lived around here" she smiled at me. i nodded in response. why is she always coming up to me.

"just taking a walk. i have to get home" i said while walking off.

"wait i have water in the house. you seem a little thirsty just come with me" she said while walking up to her house.

i was thirsty. i wouldn't mind getting some water. i forgot to grab one.

we walked up to her house and i walked in. it was lowkey full with people. we walked into the kitchen and i bumped into somebody.

"oh im sorry" i said while looking up to them. the meanest mug appeared on my face. why is lauryn's ex here.

"you.. good" she said while looking at me. journi passed me the water and walked me to the door. i was silent the whole time.

"thanks for the water. i really have to go though" i said while walking off quickly. i called lauryn.

"you miss me already!" she shouted. i could see her smiley face all in the camera. i smiled at her being so happy.

"yes but i have terrible news. why was your ex in that girl from my schools house?" i dramatized.

"what girl?" lauryn asked while still paying me no mind.

"the girl that goes to my school lauryn. the girl that has been bothering me for days?" i slightly raised my voice. "what if the ex tells her?".

"are you being serious or joking with me? if this is a joke im not having sex with you for at least another 12 days" she rolled her eyes. i wanted to hang up on her so bad.

"i'm being dead fucking ass!" i shouted again. she looked at me and hung up. i was still on my way home.

i got a text from lauryn.

weirdo therapist

weirdo therapist: i'm sorry i had to tell dream. we definitely have to stay away from each other.

:i agree but how will that help? what if your ex says something?

weirdo therapist: she's probably going to show up to my house and blackmail me. it's either i quit my job or follow what she's says

:& you're going to let that bitch control you ?
:once again ?

weirdo therapist: marie you don't get it so please don't give me that.
weirdo therapist: you don't understand

:yet you're not letting me understand shit? you like me but letting that bitch in your life that fast ?
:i understand you don't wanna lose your job but let's get serious?
:how about you blackmail her? you don't have nothing on this bitch?

weirdo therapist: i definitely do but im not that type of person .

:yeah cause you're a weak link


nahh who wrote this ? this is insane

nahh who wrote this ? this is insane

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