786 45 11

lauryn parker

"oh my gosh. just listen!" i yelled at prince and marie. cookie batter was all over them. i don't even understand how.

"tt we are listening!" prince replied to me while putting the cookies on the tray. i wanted circular cookies. whatever he just put down is like a pentagon.

"how you make that shape? show me" marie entertained him. i was getting irritated. it's been 3 hours yet still no cookies.

i took my apron and hat off. i put them down gently while walking to my room.

"here's your ipad. stay here right quick" marie said to prince. i ignored them and jumped on my bed. left the door wide open so i could hear what is happening.

i heard footsteps coming towards my door. "what is wrong with you?" she asked while coming closer to me on my bed.

"nothing" i mumbled.

"so why you got this frown on your face? and what are you walking away from us for" marie asked while caressing my thighs.

"you guys aren't listening! i hate that. i'm sure you know i hate that" i said while rolling my eyes and grabbing her wrist.

"we just having fun baby. you can't get mad at us for having fun" marie laughed.

"you always laughing like some shit is funny. just get out of my face. go finish the cookies by yall selves" i rolled my eyes and kicked her. she grabbed my legs.

"kick me again"

i kicked her again and she grabbed my leg. pulling me closer to her she rubbed on me through my shorts.

i gasped and moaned. i dragged her name out while trying to make her pull my pants down

"we can't. prince is here. let's go make them cookies" she laughed while getting off of me. i groaned some more and rolled my eyes while getting up.

i walked out my room. "tt! can we make the cookies now?" prince asked.

"will you listen?" i asked.

he nodded really fast while turning his ipad off and smiling. i put my apron and cooking hat on. i should've never taken it off.

"can you tie the back for me?" i asked marie. she walked over to me and got behind me.

she pushed me into the counter a little bit. i stumbled into it. she was bending me over. i grabbed her hands to stop her because of prince.

he was too busy with the cookies. she tied the back of my apron and smacked my butt. i rolled my eyes and pushed her off of me.

"prince fix these cookies. they need to be circles. not whatever that is" i said while pointing to that weird shape.

"tt it doesn't matter. you not making it fun!" he whined. i laughed at him.

"whatever boy"

we fixed up the cookies while prince and marie were both under me watching me do everything. i put them into the oven.

"okay now go take y'all naps" i ordered them. they both sighed.

"tt, i don't want to take a nap" prince looked at me with watery eyes. "i want to stay up and play games".

"okay but i said take a nap. you have to listen prince" i explained. i always let him slide on things so now he's a little spoiled.

he huffed and walked into this small room i made for him. he liked the little spot.

"i really have to take a nap?" marie asked while coming closer to me and pouting. i nodded my head. "i might as well just go home".

i gripped her by her shirt. "no. now go lay down on my bed" i said while letting go. she smirked at me and walked to my room.

i set my timer for the cookies. i didn't know if i should go to my room or not. marie was probably waiting for me.

someone knocked on the door. i heard running and it was marie. "who's that?" she asked.

i shrugged. she walked to the door and looked through the peephole. she looked back at me with a mug.

"why is your ex here? again?" she asked me. my face dropped.

"i don't know. she still knows my address so" i said while joking and giggling. marie didn't giggled and just looked at me. "i seriously do not know".

"let's find out" she said while opening the door. my ex was holding flowers. i was so confused on why she was here and why she had flowers.

"why is she here?" my ex asked while looking at me.

"bitch why are you here?" marie asked while slightly raising her voice. i grabbed her hand and started rubbing it.

"no cursing. prince is here remember?" i said while whispering. she rolled her eyes and nodded her head. "is there something you want?"

"i wanted to apologize for my actions. i want us back lauryn" my ex apologized. i wanted to say something but nothing came out.

marie looked at me and sucked her teeth while going to my room. it was clear she was mad but i didn't know what for.

"i'm sorry but i cant. i'm moving on for the better. you gave me hell literally. coming to my doorstep with flowers and that frown won't cut it" i said while closing the door gently.

i ran to my room and seen marie grabbing her stuff and leaving. "where are you going?" i asked her while grabbing her arm.

"home. have fun with your ex" she tugged her arm away from me.

"i told her no? i don't get why you're upset"

"you took dumb long to say no. if you want her back just say that"

"i don't though. ive made that clear"

"made it clear to who? not her clearly. she's still popping up at your door"

"okay but i said-"

"just tell prince i said bye"


now the problems begin

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