740 41 15

lauryn parker

i've been called all types of names by marie. i've been ignoring her. once she gets mad, she gets so disrespectful. i don't know how to deal with it without getting my feelings hurt.

my feelings are hurt already. i don't think this is the way you should treat someone you "like" but i may be wrong.

she called me weird, a coward, and a weak link. i haven't received an apology and i don't think im going to get one. this break may take longer than expected.

i have a few sessions and a new client today. i wasn't told their name but ill find out in a few today. they're going to be my first one today.

i don't wanna run late so i got ready early. i'm on my way there now. i was driving but i wanted some coffee so i drove to this little cafe.

i got out of my car and locked it while walking to the door of the cafe. i walked in and saw te'marie. what are the fucking odds.

she saw me but i ignored looking at her. i'm not saying anything to her. she tried making her way over to me but i moved behind this person.

i know she's not going to apologize to me so i dont know what she needs. i got my coffee and left. she followed me out the shop and grabbed my arm.

"may i help you?" i asked while mugging her.

"why are you a being childish? ignoring me for what?"

"i'm a weirdo remember? and a coward. why would i approach you?"

"you're really mad over that?"

"please get out of my face. why wouldn't i be mad? would you like if i called you that?" i asked her while yanking my arm away.

"i called you both of those things because it's true. you never stand up to her" marie shrugged. i scoffed at her and got in my car.

"please just leave me alone. i really don't want to see you unless it's for the sessions." i said while starting my car.

she nodded her head and scoffed at me. i drove off. i'm not going to cry. it's not even worth it. i would've never disrespected her the way she did me.

i'm choosing not to pay that situation any mind. if she really liked me im sure she would've been apologized or none of that would've even came out of her mouth.

i was at my office waiting for my new client. i was so excited! i haven't gotten a new client since you know who. i love taking in new clients.

i heard a knock on my door. "you may come in!" i said excitedly. the door opened and revealed .. my ex. my ex was my new client.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" i asked while getting out of my seat. all of my excitement dropped from my body. why is she here?

"i thought i could get the same treatment like your other client. i think her name is tayla?" she said with a smirk.

"don't worry about what her name is. you need to leave now" i said while walking to the door. she stood up and blocked me from it.

"that's not really fair if you think about it" she said while still blocking the door. "i have to leave but that girl gets to stay?".

"she's my client so yeah she gets to stay. you're my ex. i already know you. that's against the rules so please leave" i pointed to the door.

"what is your client doing at your house? what is your client doing fighting me?" she asked. she looked betrayed but i could care less.

"it's none of your business. my client wasn't at my house for no reason. it was personal issues so mind your business and get out" i raised my voice.

she was about to charge at me until the door opened and showed the lady at the desk. "is everything okay in here?" she asked while looking at me.

"yes ma'am! she was just about to leave" i smiled at the lady. she nodded and left. my ex was still staring at me.

"you're a sick weirdo. having sex with a client? that's pretty low for you"

"no one is having sex with her. the real reason why you're bothered is because i will never have sex with you. ever again"

"yeah we'll see about that" she said while leaving my room. i was still uneasy but i wasn't as nervous as before. i really need to get a restraining order.

i stayed here and waited for my other client to come in. i was truly already over today.

after waiting at least an hour. my client was finally here. they're an hour late but at least they are here. i heard footsteps to my door and they started knocking.

"you may come in!" i yelled.

once the door opened it revealed marie. as if my day couldn't get any worse.

"oh my fucking-"

"listen lauryn before you start that complaining shit" she cut me off.

"i'm allowed to complain. you weren't called names nor disrespected" i spat out.

she nodded in agreement. "yeah but just let me explain."

"i would love to see you explain this. go ahead"

"i feel the both of us were being childish. i was wrong for calling you names and i know that but you have to see where im coming from. you always let her walk over you and it's just annoying." she sighed.

i looked at her in disbelief. "you said all of that but not one sorry was said. all you said was that you were wrong. i don't see where your coming from and im probably never going to. until you issue an apology to me i wont be speaking to you. you may leave now".


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