32 - Save Him

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Will! Will, no!

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Will! Will, no!

His screams echoed in my mind. Tears streamed down my face.

I fired my revolver until it was empty. Click, click, click, click.

Blood. So much fucking blood.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Adrenaline pumped through my body as I awoke. I was in an instant state of panic. My heart rate slowed a bit when I saw Judith sound asleep next to me. It picked up again when I noticed Carl wasn't in the car.

Tap, tap, tap.

I grabbed my knife and turned toward the driver's side window, ready to stab whoever—or whatever— was there.

"Carl!" I scolded through clenched teeth.

The kid held up his hands defensively before he waved me out. I quietly and slowly opened the door so I wouldn't disturb the sleeping baby.

Once I got the door closed, I slapped Carl in the arm. "You scared me half to death!"

"Sorry, Jo," he said. "I couldn't sleep and wanted to let you get some rest."

"I appreciate that but you shouldn't be out here by yourself." I stretched my limbs as I glanced around the area. The air was still cool and morning dew covered the car. "What were you doin' anyway?"

"I was trying to see if there was any sign of the others." Carl kicked a rock off the road. "Didn't find anything."

I nodded and placed my hands on my hips. "Start collecting some kindling. I'm sure one of them will see the smoke. Besides, we gotta eat too. Two birds, one stone."

As Carl did as I said, I got Judith up. I changed her diaper and put a little jacket on her. Then, I strapped on the baby bjorn. It was a bit of a tight squeeze to get her in it. She was growing like a weed everyday. I'm sure by tomorrow she won't even fit in it anymore.

When Carl got enough of the materials gathered, we worked together on assembling it. I let him light the fire because I knew he enjoyed it.

We cooked a can of beans and shared it. I mashed some up for Judy. Although there was more food in the car, I didn't want to eat it. I had no idea if they got the other cars away from the cabin. This could be the only food we had left.

I watched Carl as he took slow bites. He was staring off into the distance like his mind was elsewhere.

"What's goin' on?" I asked.

His spoon clinked against the can as he dropped it in. "Just feels like after the prison again," he muttered.

I scooted closer to the kid. Close enough that our shoulders touched. "That why you couldn't sleep?"

The Reaper ⚔︎ Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now