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Halfway through the sixth month and still no update or sign of Sun. Moon didn't know what to do at this point. He has never been away from Sun this long before. He was falling into a major state of depression. He did have Lunar and Cosmo to help him but he just..Now that Lunar had his own body, there was much more help in the Daycare. The children would always question Moon's presence and ask for him to come say hello but whenever he did, he would never give them any sign of joy or anything along those lines.

Once closing time came by, Cosmo and Lunar said bye to the children and began cleaning up. Moon wouldn't help. He'd stay in his room. Curled up. Hugging his legs with a Sun plush between his arms. Once Lunar and Cosmo were done, they both headed up to Moon. Cosmo unfortunately has to charge every five hours, which is a complete flaw in his design. So it was just up to Lunar to help get Moon out of his funk. Lunar was at it for about 30 or so minutes and something he did seemed to work as Moon smiled towards his younger brother.

Suddenly, they could both sense that someone had entered the Daycare. Coming to a stand and walking onto the balcony, Moon and Lunar see Eclipse. He didn't look so happy. Almost guilty. Hoping that he would've seen Sun, Moon's expression angers a bit. Lunar watches as the tall bot jumps down and walks towards Eclipse. Jumping down himself, Lunar is surprised with what Moon was yelling about.

"You were supposed to protect him,' Moon began as he yelled towards the other tall bot. Eclipse didn't know what to do. He just stood there, with his head turned away from Moon as his look of guilt is still plastered on his faceplate. 'DID YOU KILL SUN?!" Both Lunar and Eclipse look at Moon as they both can't believe he would come to that conclusion without hearing Eclipse's side. Keeping his head turned, Eclipse doesn't say anything. Lunar continues listening.

"Why don't you tell me..Where were you," Moon began, edging a response from the tall bot.

"I was," Eclipse began as he turned his head towards the silver and blue bot.

"I was charging for 6 hours because I almost forgot to. I was unable to protect my brother,' Moon began as he interrupted Eclipse. 'Why didn't you protect him?!"

"I can explain. You just have to let me talk," Eclipse began. Moon didn't want to. His hands jerking to the sides, his fingertips sharpening. Lunar, scared for his new brother, runs up to Moon and wraps his arms around Moon's.

"Moon. Let's talk about this. I'm sure Eclipse has a reason. Why don't you hear him out," Lunar began. Moon didn't say anything as he looked at Lunar. The only difference with him was his blue eye glitching red. Lunar was scared.

"Eclipse calls himself the more protective one between me and him,' Moon began as he swiped a hand at Lunar, scraping the metal around his left eye, before kicking him away. The 4'4 bot tumbling to a stop, he places a hand over his eye. 'But where were you when Sun needed protection?!" Eclipse kept trying to speak but Moon wouldn't give him a chance.

"I didn't see what happened to Sun until I was done. All because of your action NOT TO PROTECT HIM," Moon continued as he swiped at Eclipse. Clutching his face, Eclipse is terrified. Moon's never been like this. By this point, oil tears had developed in Moon's eyes. His left eye gone red from blue.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER," Moon yelled through his tears. Eclipse wanted to reply but he thought it might make his case worse.

"YOU KILLED SUNNY," Moon repeated. Suddenly, Lunar sensed someone else enter. Getting up, he runs towards Moon.

"Moon. Someone else entered the Daycare through the door upstairs. You'll be excited to see who it is," Lunar began once he made it to the tall bot. But Moon didn't listen. Kicking Lunar away again, the tall bot keeps his glare on Eclipse.

"Say hi to Sunny for me," Moon began as he brought a hand back ready to strike. Eclipse was beyond terrified. He just got this body and now he's about to lose it. Moon threw his hand and arm towards Eclipse but..

"Moony," Moon heard. Stopping his action, he lowers his arm. He knew that voice. Searching for them, Moon lands sights on them. His left eye going back to blue. His tears streaming.

Lunar Eclipse (Sun and Moon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now