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I banged on the door a couple of times "oh baby give them a break" miguel says while rocking his body back and forth since he's holding Daniel

I narrowed my eyes at him "I'll be quiet-yes ma'am" he said,the door finally opened showing Josh.By his worried look,he knew why I was banging on the door

"Okay listen-

"I don't wanna hear it" I interrupted as I pushed pass him into the house where Carlos was wrapping a bandage around his knuckles on the couch,he shifted his tired eyes up now seeing me

He rolled his eyes knowing he's gonna hear my mouth "are you guys stupid?" I say raising my tone while placing my hands on my hips

Miguel tucked in his lips making a straight plain face as he slowly walked in the house with Daniel,Josh watched him,getting Miguel's attention.

He reached out his hand "hey Josh,what's up bro" Josh lazily shook it knowing he's just not trying to make it awkward

"Look we know what we did was brutal but if you saw how he was harassing Lexi,you would've stopped it too" Josh says as he shut the door behind miguel

"I know how he harasses,josh you don't think I know?" I say while squinting my eyes at him and crossing my arms

Josh scoffed "that's not what I meant-

"You do know that's assault and you can wind up back in jail?" I say as I turn my head towards Carlos with a raised brow

He exhaled deeply "first of all,it wasn't jail..it was prison" he said with a small smirk,I hate when he's unserious

"Stop playing with me Carl,it's the place that drove you crazy" I stated.He lowered his head only letting me seeing the cap of his hat

"Come on chica" he said as he raised his head back up "I did it cause Lexi is family to us and she means a lot to you and Josh"

"I know and I'm grateful that you care but it can ruin your life like it did before" he leaned back onto the couch "do you wanna be away from Daniel and us?"

He sucked his teeth "man don't hit me with that" he sarcastically cackled while shaking his head

"Do you?" I stood my ground,in the corner of my eye miguel just stared at me while holding Daniel

I felt his eyes scan me,he admitted he liked how good I look when I'm mad but I needed to open my brothers eyes

He sighed "no" he mumbled

"I'm sorry,what was that?" I teased while leaning my head closer to his direction,he looked up at the ceiling "no" he says more clearer

"Then get your shit together" I told him lowly hoping Daniel didn't hear me,he just narrowed his eyes at me but he needed to hear the truth and the reality

I turned to Josh "and you,you're an idiot" I told him.His jaw dropped while lifting his arms up in the air in confusion

I glanced at miguel who had his head lowered also showing his cap of his hat,tucking in his lips to hold in laughter

"Let's go mikey" I demanded,he cleared his throat and quickly followed behind me out of the house


"I don't think I have ever been turned on in my life" miguel whispered as he made a turn on the steering wheel with his one open palm

I shook my head trying not to smile,looking out the window.

"Like the way your face was" he says moving his gaze onto me as I now looked straight forward trying to avoid his eyes "where's that energy at now?"

I ignored him and tried to focus on the snores coming from Daniel in the backseat "huh?" His voice rasped "now why don't you talk to me like that?"

I crossed my legs;trying not to deal with the feeling I was getting,I heard him chuckle before picking up his speed

"It's starting to get hot,why don't we go to the beach?" I spoke now looking at him

He gently stopped at the red light before turning his head over to me "sounds good to me " he says as he picked up my hand that was laying on my thigh and pressed his soft lips against it

We just kept our eyes connected even when the light turnt green,he smoothly turned his eyes away from me and back on the road

Miguel dropped us off safely ,the tension between miguel and i was high but i tried to avoid his eyes as best i can.I got Daniel ready in his cute little swim shorts and a color matching shirt

"We gonna go to the beach baby!" I say to Daniel,he applaud with his tongue out making me giggle.I picked him up and took us both downstairs

I decided just to wear a two piece black fitted bathing suit,I covered it with basic jean shorts and regular t shirt.

I decided to grab a bag for some supplies that we might need when we're there like a towel,a few Daniel's snacks,water,sunscreen and my sunglasses.

My phone vibrated in my pocket before I pulled it out and saw miguel texted letting me know he's outside waiting on us

I grabbed the bag and swung it over one shoulder then carried Daniel on the other,I made sure I locked the door behind me.

I walked down the porch steps seeing miguel leaning against his car

he had his hair in a neat upper bun with black sunglasses and a white t shirt with his peach swimming trunks

His tongue swiped across his bottom lip as he took his hands out his pockets before sprinting to me,he nicely grabbed the bag I was carrying

"I got it for you baby" he says lowly,I smiled at him as he opened the backseat to toss it on the bottom of the passenger seat

I followed him "Mikey" Daniel mumbled as he picked Miguel's shoulder,miguel turned his head towards and smirked "hey mijo" he said

Miguel absolutely looks handsome with sunglasses on,you don't know if he's eyeing you or not but his smile says it all which makes him more attractive

Miguel helped me place Daniel in his car seat he bought for him,miguel really though ahead since we got together.It proves how he's serious about us

Miguel then shut the backseat door as he stared at me,I couldn't see his eyes but i felt them burning right through me

"Don't you look beautiful" he smirked before leaning in and placing his lips on my cheek making me giggle,his hands gripped my waist

Then they made their way further down to my bottom cheeks,I allowed him as it made me feel a type of way.He placed a gentle smack on my bottom thrn pulled away

"Come on" he nod to the passenger seat,my face was hot.I didn't expect miguel to be like this as a boyfriend,he's sweet but I see he's also very touchy

Imagine how he's gonna be when he sees me in my bathing suit..

We being touchy 😁


God loves you🙏🏼
Repent and turn to Christ
He's the only way

Love you mwah!

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