North Korea x Singapore x Japan x martial law

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Singapore sighed. His date, South Korea, was so.... Soft...

He needed someone new, but he loved south dearly, even if North Korea, south's twin brother, acted more harshly like he liked. Okay, this sentence sounded really weird, you don't need to tell me.

Once, he bumped into North Korea in the street, and North Korea shouted at him for apparently 'dirtying' his brand new jacket.

Now, that was something Singapore liked.

North Korea's POV

I was walking down the street and into my favourite cafe when I spotted my senpai with South Korea...ugghhh...

Singapore didn't even look happy! He should've picked me instead.

As Singapore stared at me, he smiled and waved.

I blushed, he was so cute, he should've only chosen me, only me.

Later, as south came home, he asked, "north, where's dad." I answered with a gruff and mean voice, "he's out."

South looked at me with pity and concern. Ew. Why was he even like this? He's so disgusting.

Since I was alone, I grabbed south by the ear and dragged him towards the basement. He only screamed and begged to be let go. He didn't even fight. 

He was so weak.

As I thrown him into the basement, he yelled, "North Korea! Why are you doing this?!" South Korea looked angry. Oh my, I was so scared.

I grabbed a knife from the nearby table and slowly made my way towards my brother. "I have lived under your shadow for SO long." I started. He already look intimidated. "Now, you're gonna die..."

South whimpered as I sliced his neck. The beautiful sight of blood dripped down his neck.

"But... but..." he couldn't even make up words now.

He closed his eyes as I brought the knife to his chest, hovering just above his heart. 

"Scaredy cat." I whispered into his ear before removing the knife. South dared to open his eyes, but he wasn't ready for what he was gonna feel, and see.

I suddenly thrusted the knife straight into his heart. He screamed and blood splattered everywhere.

South was still alive, but barely.

I tightened my grip around the knife and twisted it, and since it was still stuck inside him, more blood oozed out of his wound as south screamed his lungs out.

Blood dripped out of his, mouth as I took the knife out.

I looked at my brother one more time with hatred and sadness battling in my eyes.

South slowly closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. No one was going to save him now.

I walked out of the basement that smelt of fresh blood and rotting flesh, grinning to myself.

I dropped the knife into the sink. I would clean that up later.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Shit. That could be my dad. Without hesitation, I slammed the basement door shut, locking it and cleaning myself up.

But... little did north know, that south was still alive...

To my surprise, Singapore was standing at the door, he was looking for South Korea. Ugh! Not him again! I thought that after I killed him, I might never have to see or hear from him again!

"Hey Singapore, before I ask south to come, could I show you something?" I asked.

Singapore looked at me with curiosity before smiling and nodding his head. "Sure! Why not?" He said.

I took him by his hand before leading him to the basement. Singapore looked a bit scared and a bit confused, but he still followed me like a lowly slave. Haha!

I opened the basement door only to reveale the remains of my twin brother, and the boyfriend of Singapore.

Singapore gasped and screamed before attempting to get away, but I grabbed him by his shirt collar and threw him into the basement.

Singapore sobbed as I tied him up, putting him in a different part of the basement and leaving him there for a little while.

Nobody's POV

When North Korea came back, Singapore was humming a little happy tune to himself. What was his problem?

"So, you're not scared?" North Korea mocked as he held the knife still stained with blood up high.

As Singapore saw the the chains in north's hands, he gulped. What was this psychopath gonna do to him???

"Hah, my lovely senpai, I'm surprised that you're not really that scared~" north said as he slowly approached Singapore. 

"You know," north suddenly purked up his head and grinned. "You know, maybe you'll feel more comfortable with more people. Don't mind me."

Singapore glared at North Korea as he took out his phone and called two different people.

"Hello? Is this #########?" "..." "yes, I want you to come over now." "..." "no questions, just come." "..." "okay, good, oh yeah, bring some... adult toys, if you know why I mean~" "..." "okay, goodbye, come soon!"

And with that, the call ended. "Okay, we'll wait for a little while before my, 'friends' come." North Korea said.


Singapore was naked, and north's pants and under garments were off. "Wow, those assholes are slow..." north muttered slowly, almost to himself.

"We're here~" the voice of Japan called. "North Korea?" Martial's voice also called.

"Y-You... you invited them over?!" Singapore screamed.

"Oh... w-what happened to South Korea..?" Japan stuttered.

"Oh, nothing..." 

"Come on, let's have some fun!"

"With that rotting body there? NO WAY!"

"You saying that sarcastically or for real?"

"Sarcastically! You really couldn't tell?!"


Singapore was riding north, and martial law was having some troubles with orgasming, and Japan was just watching the sense playing in front of him like an adult show, like he always did at home.

"Ahh~ n-north..." Singapore let out a low groan as flipped them over and slammed into his sweet spot.

Then, Singapore came all over both of them. "Al-already darling?"  North Korea giggled.

"Uhhh~ yes..." Singapore let out a few moans. "Mmm... uh.. h-hey! W-wait-ahh!! N-North! S-slower!" Singapore let out another string of moans as north continued to thrust in and out of his future boyfriend.

"He he, you three would make a really good couple..." Japan giggled, attempting to cover his mouth.

"Shut up..." martial groaned.

"You haven't even came yet..." Japan teased.

Sooner or later, martial came, and he more or less forced North Korea and Singapore to lick it all off the floor and his ass.

"Why didn't I have to do anything?!" Japan complained. "I didn't even get a blow job or anything-"

He was almost cut off before Singapore licked his cock.

"Ahh~n-never mind~" Japan moaned.

After everything...

Singapore, North Korea, martial law and Japan was dating. Officially.

Sorry, I had to do this in a rush, so it's really short and undeatiealed, sorry!"

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