Art because I can-

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Sorry, I can't show art. The damn thing won't let me.

So, instead have some incorrect quotes.


Singapore:*At Soviet's funeral* Can I have a moment alone with him, Canada?

War flag of Singapore:Of course. *walks out*

Singapore:*leans over the coffin* Listen, I know you're not fucking dead.

Corrupt:*sits up* Yeah, no shit, Sherlock


Liberia:*yawns* I'm tired.

Singapore:Yeah, being adorable must be tiring.

Liberia:*tilts head* Then you must be exhausted.



Australia: so, are we gonna clean up the house or what?

Singapore: then... who does what?

Australia: let's go make some notepaper to divide the chores

Singapore: can't, singlia's slide is blocking the hallway.

Australia: then move it

Singapore: can't, my back is still sore from playing basketball yesterday

Australia: did you take aspirin?

Singapore: nope. We're out

Australia: did you go get more?

Singapore: can't. The drug store is closed

Australia: then go get more when it's open

Singapore: can't. I'll forget

Australia: then make a note so that you won't forget

Singapore: can't. Singlia's slide is blocking the hallway.


Singlia: giggles


America: How do you want your coffee?

Canada: Black, like my soul.


America: Canada, your soul is a latte

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