I Will Kill Your Son

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138 AC. The Vale

A/N. I'm changing a part of the show to fit the story. In the show, Jeyne Arryn never marries or has children. She's actually only has a lover by the name of Jessamyn Redfort. A noble woman of House Redfort. But in my story, she has one child. We also will get to see Ahsokas darkness.

The day after Ahsoka received news of the Civil War up North, she flew there but with a quick stop. Before she got to Winterfell, she went to The Vale. It's a rather beautiful place. She hopes she doesn't have to destroy it. With the sun still high in the sky, Ahsoka chose to stick to the clouds to at least try and mask Trigon. To help, she summoned storm clouds to give her more of a cover. As the sun started to disappear, the Eyrie started to materialize beneath the clouds.

The Eyrie is an ancient castle and seat of House Arryn, one of the oldest lines of Andal nobility, within the Vale of Arryn

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The Eyrie is an ancient castle and seat of House Arryn, one of the oldest lines of Andal nobility, within the Vale of Arryn. It is situated in the Mountains of the Moon on a shoulder of the peak known as the Giant's Lance, several thousand feet above the valley below. Although small compared to the seats of other Great Houses in Westeros, the Eyrie is considered impregnable to attack. During wintertime, the Arryns seek refuge against the cold in the Gates of the Moon at the base of the mountain. The Eyrie is the smallest of the great castles, being no larger than Maegor's Holdfast. The castle is made of fine stone. Multiple towers bunched tightly together and can hold up to five hundred men. The waterfall known as Alyssa's Tears can be heard from the Eyrie, and falcons fly near the castle. The Eyrie lacks stables, smithys, and kennels, but its granary is as large as those found in much larger castles, like Winterfell. The Eyrie also contains a sept. The castle's household guard wears sky-blue cloaks.

Before I tell you of Queen Ahsoka and her visit to the Vale with Trigon. Allow me to tell you of Queen Visenya and her visit to the Vale with Vhagar. During Aegon's Conquest, Queen Regent Sharra Arryn fortified the Bloody Gate and had her son, the boy king Ronnel Arryn, take refuge in the Eyrie. The fleet of House Arryn defeated that of House Targaryen in a battle in the waters off Gulltown. After the Field of Fire and the submission of the north, Queen Visenya Targaryen bypassed the Eyrie's lower defenses by flying upon her dragon, Vhagar, to the castle's inner courtyard. Realizing that the Eyrie's isolated location could not protect against dragons, Sharra submitted to Visenya.

He didn't know better. The difference between danger and fun is a thin line for a child. Sharra Arryn, known as the Flower of the Mountain, was Queen Regent of the Kingdom of Mountain and Vale, ruling in the name of her son, the boy-king Ronnel Arryn, during the invasion of Westeros by Aegon I Targaryen. Sharra was regarded as one of the most beautiful women of Westeros. After Aegon launched his invasion and made his intentions known to the rulers of the seven independent kingdoms of Westeros, Sharra sent a portrait of herself to him and offered her hand in marriage with the condition Aegon would make her son his heir. Despite being ten years older than Aegon, she was still regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the land, yet Aegon refused. The Vale scored a victory against the invaders in a battle in the waters off Gulltown, though the Arryn fleet was burned afterward by Visenya Targaryen. As other regions of Westeros fell to Aegon, Sharra amassed the Vale army at the Bloody Gate. However, Aegon sent Visenya to the Eyrie riding her dragon Vhagar. When Sharra returned to the Eyrie, she found her son sitting on Visenya's lap and asking if he could ride the dragon with Visenya.

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