sixteen:: when you get daring.

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SIXTEEN: when you get daring.

It had gotten darker and after we were all partially naked -well, all except Brandon, Will, and Paul because of the fact that they didn't wimp out which wasn't all that surprising. Paul was an open book, Brandon just didn't give a fuck, and Will was smart enough to find loopholes in every single thing. Landon had passed out somewhere between the body shots and telling their neighbor about his urinary track infection (thank god he was lying).

And it was then that Brandon had spun the bottle, Rilee in his lap as she watched the colors. She was getting drunker by the minute and had waddled her way into making out with Will which had Brandon sporting a semi and grabbing her waist tight.

"Uh dare..." I found myself muttering when the bottle had landed on me. I was getting tired and from the way Paul rested his head in my lap, he was about to doze off.

I saw a glint in Brandon's eye, "Ten minutes in the closet with Paul."

Ben's eyes widened incredulously at that before I'd even gotten a chance to react, "Come on man, he just came out of the closet and you wanna shove him back in?"

Let's just say he had one or two or twelve beers.

Will rolled her eyes at that, smacking her brother upside the head,"Isn't it supposed to be seven minutes?"

"It is but I said ten..." Brandon has shrugged nonchalantly, my body visibly tensing, "now go. Vamos, get it get it get it."

My eyes went wider than they were before, mouth opening to decline the dare when Benji had cut me off... Again, "God? When will it be my turn for love?"


"What? You got a boy and a hot chick tonight, Lan drank his ass off," Benji groaned, pointing behind him to the brunette boy laid out on the couch in nothing but socks and a blanket draped across him, "Cas and Jade are most likely doing the horizontal tango in his car," I grimaced at that, Caspar and Jade were long gone, her convincing him to let her explain and they went somewhere to talk...

I didn't want to think about the possibility of my sister having sex, even the thought made me shiver. "J-Man is living his Love, Actually moment." Oh my G— "I would like to be held."

"Lanny? Hug him."

: : :

"So do you wanna just wait this out?" Paul had asked, a soft smile but something in my pinning-over-Calum-never-kissed-a-boy in closet thing felt very uncomfortable for me.

So I kissed him.

"You're cute." It was paired with a smile, he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and I'd never been so close to someone before.

He was kind.

He was really put together and I found that attractive. He opened his home to me. He offered to kiss me.

He... liked me.

I took a moment to appreciate his flushed face and unruly hair before unbuttoning his top, watching the fabric slide past toned arms and a tattoo.

The ink reached up to his shoulder.

Paul sighed in pleasure, head lolling back and he let out a small moan when I'd sucked his soft skin, hand tucked into my hair.

He was soft to the touch, his skin was.

He grabbed my belt loops, firmly though, theatrically and tugging me closer. Our hips knocked together and Paul caught my lips in his again.

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