Chapter 15

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Author's POV

"P'Babe, are you in a rut?"

"What the fuck Charlie? I tried to be romantic why you have to ruin it like this. Just answer me, damn it.",  Babe rolls his eyes as he breathes out profusely.

He has been feeling a little too warm for his own liking but he thought he'll hold it in until he gets to be official with this boy. But of course, Charlie being Charlie he's a little too naive or is it too insensitive?

Charlie looks a little worried as he places his hand over Babe's forehead to check his temperature before moving his hand onto Babe's neck. This caused the older to moan, the coldness from Charlie's hand is making him feel so good.

Babe bites down his lips as he tries not to jump the boy right now but he didn't know how long he can take it.

"Charli- Paris fuck just answer me. Will you be my boyfriend or not?"

"Y-yes of course I will. I want to. Let's be boyfriends but how are you going to deal with your rut?", the younger seems clueless which weirded out Babe a little bit.

What does Charlie mean by how is Babe going to take care of it? It's as simple by having sex with him now that he's here.

"Or does Charlie not want to have sex with me anymore?", Babe thought was heard using Charlie's power due to their physical contact.

"What? No! Never! I love having sex with you.", Charlie shakes his head. "But so- we just have to have sex to deal with your rut? I learned about it but I never experienced any in real time."

"What do you mean? How did you deal with your rut then?", Babe asked panting slightly as the rut is catching up onto him.

"I-I don't get rut, that's one of the reason why they still can't determine what my second gender is."

Right. Babe almost forgot about that.

"Is that also why you don't really have a distinctive smell?"

"Yes. Aside from my powers. I'm technically just like a beta. I don't have a smell, I can't really smell people and I don't get ruts."

"Interesting.", Babe uttered not knowing what else to say as his mind is starting to get jumbled up. His ruts always messes with his consciousness, he's always in and out of it which before this he hates because he might be taken advantage of by the guys he choose to spend his rut with.

However now that he's with Charlie, he feels a little at ease knowing nothing bad will happen to him when he's at the peak of his rut.

"Just hold me.", the older said as he moves closer towards Charlie, snuggling into his arms before sniffing his scent. "You do have a scent though.", he added.

"Do I? What do I smell like?", the younger asked as he wraps his arms around Babe.

The older moves his nose closer to Charlie's neck before taking a huge whiff of his scent.

"You smell like a puppy who just got a shower."

The description made Charlie laugh as he caresses his now considered boyfriend's hair gently.

"You really like puppies huh? You've been calling me a puppy and now I smell like one too. Do you want a puppy, P'Babe?"

"No. Too much work."

"But it'll be cute like me."

"Hmmm...", Babe hums seemingly almost convinced.

"How about kids? Do you want kids, P'Babe?"

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