Seven || Luke and Leia

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Narrator's POV

- Two months later -

Anakin Skywalker anxiously paced around the emergent hospital unit at the Grand Republic Medical Facility in Coruscant, his boots clicking on the tile floors outside unit room A118. Obi-Wan Kenobi was at his side, watching him pace and fumble with his fingers in locked in his hands. "Anakin," he breathes. "It's going to be alright. Calm yourself."

Anakin presses a hand to his forehead and his back to the far wall, sliding himself down to a crouching position. "Obi-Wan, I'm lost," he chokes. "What am I going to do?"

Obi-Wan, ten times calmer than Anakin, bursts out in petty laughter. "Be a father, that's what you're going to do. This child will be known as Senator Amidala's, not yours, but you are still its father and it is still your child, Anakin. You'll be raising it in your Coruscant apartment, I'm sure."

Anakin takes a deep breath, but it doesn't help. "All my nightmares," he begins, "about this moment. What if she dies, Obi-Wan? In my dreams, she called my name, I wasn't there... and now, at this moment, I'm not even allowed in the room! Obi-Wan, she needed me... she needs me..."

"Knock some sense into yourself, Anakin. You're here now. You are here and will be allowed in the room for her eventually. Don't take advantage of this gift, you're a father now."

Anakin glances at him, then continues his gaze at the floor as his thoughts confused him, like always. He had been so caught up in Kyla's training, along with Padmé and his child, the Jedi Council, and setting order back in the Republic, he wasn't sure if he was ready to embrace parenthood. He wasn't sure he'd be the perfect father he needed to be for his child.

Suddenly, the airsoft door to unit room A118 slides open with a swoosh, revealing a medical droid rolling out. Anakin immediately shoots up to stand at the droid's sudden entrance, fixing his meddled appearance. He breathes in hope of gathering himself together, and the medical droid approaches him.

"Anakin Skywalker," it beeps in a flat tone, "Miss Amidala has requested your presence."

Anakin shoots a nervous glance to Obi-Wan, who smiles sincerely. He knew his former master had faith in Anakin. Anakin had been his Padawan, his apprentice, but above all, he was his best friend, there with him through everything.

Quietly, Anakin fumbles into the room behind the rolling droid, who goes to assist a moaning, crying Padmé. "Anakin," she cries in pain. At once Anakin rushes to her side, grabbing her hand in his.

"My love," he breathes, frantically trying to conceal his worry, "even now you're beautiful."

She cracks a pained smile, ending quickly into an eased scream of pain. Anakin turns away from the horrific sight of his one true love in pain, but his grip remains in hers, her grip strengthening within his, nearly snapping his mechanical hand.

This lasts minutes, but Anakin slowly begins to realize he has saved someone from death. He is here now, by her side, helping her through this. She will live. He can sense it. Maybe he truly has become the powerful Jedi he always dreamed of being. As he watches Padmé in pain, but not dying, he holds his breath. Any minute now...

At last, the small wail of a baby's cry is heard, and Anakin lets his breath go. A tear slips down his cheek, but merely of joy - his child.

"It's a boy," the medical droid squeaks, and Anakin looks over at a weakly smiling Padmé. The droid hands a tiny, blanketed baby to Anakin, whom panics at first at the sight being handed to him.

His heart rate dramatically increases as he takes the little one in his arms, cradling the baby gently. "My son," he croaks, an even greater smile forming on his face as he chuckles, "Hey little boy. You're my son." The newborn doesn't cease its crying. Anakin admires how tiny the baby is, and rocks his son back and forth, back and forth, gently with minor movements. Maybe the whole fathering ordeal wouldn't be so hard after all. After all the pain he watched Padmé endure, he was relieved it was over.

Before he can show the baby to Padmé, out of nowhere, another higher-pitched faint cry is heard. Aside from his son's. Padmé looks drained of life as she glances over at Anakin, who glances at her, then the medical droid, eagerly waiting an explanation.

"Twins," it beeps, raising a baby girl above the system Padmé was attached to, and initially in this moment Anakin freaks out. All he can think of is, how will we be able to hide two children from the galaxy without the galaxy knowing they're mine? He conceals it well, his heart rate reaching an extreme increase, but then remembers his situation and is set to ease. Raising twins in secret would be an even greater difficulty, but this moment is of sheer happiness and he cannot manage to remain freaked about the idea of twins.

Instead of worrying, he smiles at the beautiful little girl Padmé is handed as she lies weakly on the bed with a smile plastered to her face. Anakin grins at the baby girl, continuing to cry as he looked at them - his children. His babies. His little girl and his little boy.

"Padmé," he whispers, rocking the infant in his arms in hopes of getting him to sleep, "what are we going to call them? They need names."

Padmé laughs, the overwhelming pain finally over. She lies on the bed, chest rising and falling, sweat beaded on her forehead, the baby wrapped in a linen fabric blanket as she holds the girl to her chest. She weeps from happiness.

Padmé gently talks to the crying baby in her arms, then turns to Anakin, standing by the grey metal bed she'd been on so long. "Leia," she says in response of naming the little girl, "just like we talked about. And the boy" - Anakin brings the little infant closer to Padmé and she brings her hand to the baby's soft skin to stroke him - "Luke."

Anakin giggles out of complete and utter happiness. He'd never been so happy - Luke and Leia were his children, his children of the Force. They were gifted, he knew, and he would raise them well. He'd been doing a great job training Kyla, from his point of view, and even though raising Luke and Leia would certainly be of great difficulty, he would manage. Together, he and Padmé would raise these children.

"Look at them," Anakin laughs, smiling as Luke lightly yawns, his little mouth stretching as far as it may know, his pink skin radiating under the hot lights of the room. "They're beautiful."

"Luke looks like you," Padmé remarks at Luke's lighter-colored hair he was born with, and his light eyes. Anakin stares wondrously at the baby girl Padmé holds, his baby girl.

"And Leia looks like you," he says, cradling the boy in his right arm as his left hand caresses Leia's soft dark brown hair. Her eyes, when she at last opened them, were a darker shade of brown - resembling those of Padmé's.

The medical droid turns to them both. "Congratulations," it blurts, showing no true emotion, "Now I must ask Anakin Skywalker's presence to cease as we take care of Padmé for the next few minutes. You will be allowed to return home shortly. Anakin - please exit with the children."

Anakin nods at the droid and bends his knees to Padmé's bed-level, lightly kissing her forehead. "I'll see you within moments, my love," he whispers, taking the girl from Padmé and holding them both in the crevices of his arms.

The airsoft doors slide open revealing a cold, white hallway of the Coruscant hospital unit. Obi-Wan, sitting on a bench outside the unit, stands at Anakin's entrance. "Oh my," he breathes, staring at the children. "There's two of them."

Anakin grins, and Obi-Wan can't help but think he looks happier than he's looked in quite awhile. "Aren't they amazing? Look at them." He brings the children closer to Obi-Wan, and his former Master stands before him, smiling at the children.

"What are their names?" Obi-Wan asks the new and excited father.

Anakin looks down at the children cradled in his arms and his smile strains his face - he's been smiling so long and so wide. "Luke and Leia," he says as Leia grabs ahold of Anakin's finger, refusing to let go. "They're amazing, aren't they?" Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan, as though in need of his reassurance.

"Yes, they are," he chuckles. "You're going to be a great father, Anakin. You've come a long way."

Anakin, still staring and chuckling at the children's little minor actions, glances up at his former master and nods. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I really hope I raise them well, with the help of Padmé, of course."

Padmé were to arrive ready to go home to their apartment within the next few minutes, as they were notified by the medical droid. So, to pass the time, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi stand in the hallway, delicately admiring Anakin Skywalker's newborn children - Luke and Leia... Skywalker.

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