|No One Will Ever Know| - ?

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We were sat in the enormous hall, waiting patiently for the ceremony to restart again for the last award of the night , Golden Girl. However we weren't sat together. We could never be seen together, as we played for the two biggest rivalry clubs in the world.

There were so many big names here, like Robert Lewandowski, Vinicius Jr, Lionel Messi, Benzema, pretty much most of the Real Madrid and FC Barcelona team.

He was sat somewhere on the other side of the room. It was so difficult keeping my distance from him in public! But it's way better than being in the headlines. 

The lights began to fade...

The presenter and this years golden boy entered the stage and stood at the podium with the award and announced, "The winner of the Golden Girl award is..." 

"Y/n L/n!" 

I was completely shocked! Hesitantly, I got up out of my seat and walked down the aisle. As I walked towards the stage, I felt his gaze caressing my skin. 

[-Time Skip-]

After the presentation, the winners were all told to take some pictures together on the red carpet. All of a sudden I heard someone call my name, I look around to see who it was. Gavi? 

"Todavía no había tenido la oportunidad de felicitarte, ¡así que felicidades! (I haven't had a chance to congratulate you yet, so congratulations!)" He smiled, giving me a side hug. 

"Felicidades también, por ser el chico de oro. (Congratulations too, for being the golden boy.)" I replied. 

We conversed a little until we were asked to pose for some pictures together for the paparazzi. As I posed, I could still feel his gaze caressing my skin.

I eventually decided to leave the red carpet and Gavi, to go see my teammates.

Whilst I was walking down the crowded corridor leading away from the red carpet, I suddenly felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me back into their chest. 

It was him.

"Hola mi amour... (Hello my love...)" He cooed, as he held me tighter. "Felicidades. (Congratulations.)"

His strong, expensive aftershave smothered me, as he lowered his head next to my ear, "¿Me has echado de menos? (Have you missed me?)" He whispered, with a slight chuckle, in my ear. His words were slurred. 

There were so many people around, I was beginning to get paranoid. "Detente, ¿y si alguien nos ve? (Stop, what if someone sees us?)" I quizzed, nervously.

"No me importa, que nos vean, mi amor. (I don't care, let them see us, my love.)" He expressed, spinning me around.

"¿Pero los papara-- (But the papara--)" I began, before he pushed his lips up against mine, aggressively, and then his tongue entered my mouth. 

After a couple seconds, we pulled away, and he smiled, "Nadie lo sabrá nunca. (No one will ever know.)"

- Later That Night-

- Later That Night-

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* Decided to write something more mysterious. Its a little short sorry, thought I'd update with this as I have writers block for the other stories. Let me know if you liked it, 'cause I might do more*

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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