Do you believe me?

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Lindsey's POV

We've decided on recording an EP, we don't really have time for a full album as we want to go on tour next year. Also, to sort of get the vibe back, we're going to just jam for a while, then take a short break and after that, start recording. Everything concerning the music is going really well, but what isn't is that now I know for a fact - Stevie and Mick are a couple.

When she told me, I just ran away. I still can't stop thinking about, her words echoing in my head. I was sure we were past dating people within the band, but apparently I was wrong. It shouldn't bother me, but it does. I hate to admit it, but I am jealous. Stevie never came back to me. Well, she did, we hooked up plenty of times, but we never went back to being together. What did she see in Mick? In what way is he better than me? How did they find each other again? I have so many questions, but I feel like it's not at all my place to ask them.

I can't quite say why, but this whole arrangement, so to say, makes me feel so uncomfortable. Stevie and Mick, even though John and Christine aren't together, they always kind of been seen as the McVies anyway, and here I am, all by myself. At least Stevie and Chris left and it's just us guys. The three of us have had a few beers each by now and some things are coming up to surface that otherwise hardly would be discussed. 

John says he's going to bed and now Mick and I are alone. There's so much tension in the air, you could cut it with a knife. I didn't think it would be like this, after everything we've been through as a group and as individuals. I'm tempted to call it a night as well, but Mick is quicker to open his mouth, after taking a generous gulp of his beer.

"You're still in love with her."

"What makes you say that?"

"It's how you look at Stevie. There's no one else around, you don't see us, you don't hear us."

"Mick, I don't think we should get into all that, especially since we've had a couple of drinks. This is not a good idea."

"You could have said I was imagining it, now you've simply confirmed it." Mick says and gets up, leaving me by myself.

Is it so obvious? Does everyone notice it too then? I haven't exactly done anything, I didn't even realize my eyes are always on Stevie, but I can't help it. She's always been the one for me. I could go through a thousand women and none of them would surpass her in any away. No other woman could compare to Stevie's beauty, to her heart, to the way she loves, to how she makes love. She's just... God, I really am in love with her.

As I sit here, thinking to myself, I hear footsteps and I turn my head, seeing Stevie. "You're still up?"

"I... yeah, I was just thinking. And you? Having trouble sleeping?"

"Not really, I don't go to bed early. But everyone else is sleeping. I was going to have a cup of tea."

"May I join you?"


Now I feel myself staring, as she's moving around the kitchen, making us each a cup. She also gets on her tip toes and reaches into one of the cupboards and takes out a packet of biscuits, looking like a naughty kid that is not supposed to be eating them.

"This stays between you and me, got it?" She says playfully and I nod, grinning like an idiot.

"Not that you should deny yourself the simple joys of life." I add. "You used to have curves, Stevie."

"Oh, I have enough curves." She laughs, sitting next to me, placing down the steaming mugs. "I had a goal of wearing a beautiful black dress again, I reached it and I don't plan on letting myself go again."

"You're just silly." I nudge her and she rolls her eyes.

"Flatterer." She bites off a piece of cookie and looks at me seriously, looking adorable at the same time. "What did you and Mick talk about?"


"My guess would be not that long ago, he went to bed, not looking too happy."

"Why do you think it's something to do with me?"

"Are we seriously going to play this game?"

"If I tell you and I'm honest about it, we won't be having anymore late night tea parties." I know I shouldn't, but I want to tell her, I have to know how she feels, because I've been here two days and I haven't seen them so much as kiss once. That also might be because they don't want to make things awkward. 

"I promise it won't happen." She brings me out of my thoughts.

"Mick said that I'm very obviously still in love with you."

"Now I wish I hadn't asked..."

"See? I told you."

"You said he was just drunk, right?" I don't reply. "Right, Lindsey?"

"It would have been a lie if I said I wasn't."

"You can't be, why would you be?"

"What do you mean? It's not something I have much power over. I can't help the way I feel about you, Stevie."

"Even when I would ignore you or scream at you, was mean to you, almost strangled you, paraded my men around you, was a down right bitch to you, you still loved me?"

I don't know what overcomes me, but I start laughing and nod. "Yeah, even then."

"What's so funny?"

"We acted like children during most of our fights and disagreements, now that I think, we could have avoided so much chaos if we knew how to communicate with each other."

"Kiss me."

"Do what now?" I jerk my head to her side and I'm certain she's not joking.

"Words are one thing, I want to feel it."

"Why? You're in a relationship, you shouldn't care how I feel."

"Oh, but I do..." She says and I know those few words hold so much behind them, that I don't hesitate and lean closer, cupping her cheek as I place my lips upon hers. The kiss doesn't go beyond that, but I put everything I want her to know into it and pull back. 

"Do you believe me now?"

"I love you, too." She whispers and immediately runs away from me.

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