Are you happy?

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Lindsey's POV

This past month was too long, I can't believe how much I've missed Stevie. I always do when we're apart, but since we've got so much closer again, being away from her is torture. It's true, I have been spending some time in the studio, but I wouldn't have set foot in it if she had asked me to come see her. I'm not sure why she insisted on us not being together for so long. 

I couldn't be more grateful that Barbara and Jess are so accepting of me. I have done things to hurt Stevie, sometimes intentionally, mostly not. I can't count how many times she's cried because of me, not to mention just how many of those I haven't seen her do it. And still, her parents let me into their home, still trust me to be around their girl. 

Last night I hardly had any sleep, thinking that shortly I'll be with Stevie again. I'll get to hug and kiss her, and tell her how beautiful she is, and how much I love her. And I do, the feeling is stronger than ever before. I just... I need her, I want her with me all the time. It sucks that we had to betray one of both of ours best friend to get where we are now, but she had always been more important than anything or anyone else in my life. Even music. If needed, I would give it up. I would do anything for that woman. 

The plane lands and I take a cab to Stevie's parent's. I pay the driver and get out, taking my suitcase and my guitar case with me, when we arrive. I walk up the short driveway and put my things down, before ringing the bell. I hope Stevie opens the door. 

And she does, with the brightest smile on her face and my heart nearly jumps out of my chest. "Hey."

"Hi, baby." I say and pull her into my arms at last!

We stand like that for a minute, not one inch separating her body from mine. Then I notice something is different, something has changed about her. I draw back a little and place my hand on her stomach and she immediately puts hers over mine, with a small shy smile.

"Steph?" She gives me a nod, but I still need to hear it. "Are you... you're..."

"I'm pregnant, Lindsey. With your baby."

If I'm honest, this is the last thing I thought I'd hear coming here today, but it's the absolute best too! "So, I'm going to be a father?"

"Well, yes." She chuckles, looking adorable as ever. "The best Daddy in the world."

I take a step back, letting go of Stevie and she frowns. I sit down on the porch steps and hide my face in my hands. I feel her hand on my shoulder and I know I'm making her worry. 

"Honey, are you okay?" She sits down next to me. "Are you happy?" I look at her, crying, and I can recall times I've cried on one hand. "Linds, baby?"

"I've never been happier." 

Here, that gorgeous, breathtaking smile again. "God, you had me worried! Don't do that, it's not good for either one of us." 

"I just didn't expect to hear you telling me that today."

"I know, I just... put it out there, so to say, but I was so excited about you coming today and I couldn't wait to let you know."

"We're having a baby."

"Yes, we are." She lays her head on my shoulder and I turn to press a kiss to her hair. "Would you like to come in now? Or are we going to spend time out here?"

"No, of course not." I stand up and help her on her feet too. "You do realize that I'm not going home now or you're going back with me?"

"I figured you'd say that." She nods and goes inside first, as I pick up my belongings, carrying them into the house. "You have ten minutes to say hi to Mom and Dad."

"And what then?"

"I bathed and I have body lotion on my skin."

"Oh, noted!" I laugh, following Stevie to the living room, where Barbara and Jess are. 

They greet me as warmly as ever and we spend a few minutes talking, I tell them about my flight and answer other questions about how I've been that they have for me and then Stevie grabs my hand and politely excuses us both and we're heading upstairs.

I barely get to close the door, when she takes my face in her hands and lowers my mouth onto hers, leaving me gasping for air. "Slow down, baby. I'm all yours and I'm not going anywhere!"

"I know, I know." She kisses me gentler this time and we sit down on the bed. "But you've no idea how horny I've been. I'm sorry, Linds, but the first thing on my mind as I woke up today was that boy, oh boy, I'm getting laid!"

I can't help but laugh. "That's all you need me for, huh?"

"This isn't funny anymore, Lindsey. I have actually..."

"What have you done?"

"Nothing, no."

"Stephanie?" I smirk and her cheeks turn pink. "That bad, mm?" I laugh and she elbows me in the ribs. 

"I wasn't supposed to let you know that."

"What I want to know is, how long have you been carrying my baby for?"

"I'm seventeen weeks."

"That's... that's seventeen weeks already." I'm not sure how to react.

"Yes and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I've known for about a month, that's why we haven't seen each other for so long, but I wanted to make sure, you know... That this baby is staying. I wanted to be showing already when you came to see me."

"It's fine, really. I'm not mad or anything." I reassure her by bringing her hand up to my lips. "Do you know what we're having?"

"No. I had an ultrasound, when I found out and I'm having another one next month, to which you're coming with me and you'll see the baby too, like really see it. And we'll find out the gender together."

"I just... Are you serious? You're not having a laugh?"

"No. I would never joke about it, Linds." She smiles and then gets up, reaching for her journal. "Here."

Stevie hands me a picture of what I understand was her first ultrasound and I'm about to burst into tears again. I never knew I could be this emotional. "We made it, you and I. We created a tiny human being."

"Best birthday present ever." 

"Good thing you were so persistent about it."

"Right? And you were questioning my actions." 

"Lie down, please?" I ask, putting the picture back safely into her journal. 

She lies on her back and I get on my side next to her. Somewhat carefully, I lift Stevie's shirt higher, exposing her growing belly and I'm completely lost for words. I trace her skin with the tips of my fingers and she giggles, wrinkling her nose.

"That tickles!"

"You're so beautiful." I sit up and then lean down to place kisses on her bump, then move up and closer to kiss her on the lips. "I love you. Both of you."

Now she's the one to get a little teary eyed. "And we love you too."


I had this update ready, I couldn't leave you hanging for the whole week! Hope you liked it.

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