I feel it too

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Lindsey's POV

I couldn't say that I truly believed Stevie and I would be together in the end. I know I wanted to, I thought we had to, but I wasn't sure if the higher powers cared about my wishes. It seemed like we had everything we've ever talked about, but I wanted us to get married as well and it was a scary thing to ask her. When we lived in that piece of crap flat, we would imagine the house we would live in and how many kids we would have, but never had she ever said, oh and I really really want to be your wife! And to be honest, I wasn't actually planning on proposing, but I happened to pass by a jewelry store and something made me go inside. I started looking at engagement rings and I thought to myself, right, living together isn't enough for me anymore, it's about time Stevie shares my last name. So, I picked the ring and asked her to marry me. And she said yes.

Five months later, just after Cara's first birthday, Stevie also said I Do in front of our family and friends, during a very low-key ceremony, that was held in the garden of our house. I could hardly believe when she said she didn't want anything over the top. Stevie decorated everything herself, we had only about fifty guests attending the wedding and there wasn't any big party afterwards. And I loved it, I wasn't going to make her downsize her plans if she had had any, but I'm glad we wanted the same thing. 

We didn't go on our honeymoon right away, simply because Stevie couldn't decide where she wanted to go... Several months later, we're in Florence, Italy. We're on our honeymoon. With our daughter... I love Cara to bits, but this is supposed to be the time for the newlyweds. Stevie flat out refused to leave her behind, so I gave in. What else can I do? Besides, we'll be celebrating Stevie's birthday here as well, so I didn't want to upset her.

Our hotel is in a gorgeous place, by one of the canal's. It's so different from what we're used to, when we're touring. The room we're staying in is like a two-story apartment, with a bedroom on the second floor, where Cara is already sleeping for the night. On the first floor, you walk across the living area and step out onto a beautiful terrace. It's dark outside now and Stevie, of course, has lit up scented candles, as we're sitting together out here, enjoying the peace and quiet, as she's snuggled up against me. Boy, have we changed...

"I've never thought this will be how we ended up, when I arrived at Mick's in Maui, for supposed Fleetwood Mac reunion." I say, reaching for a glass of wine and take a sip. 

"If you ask me, it turned out quite alright."

"I couldn't even dream of anything more. I have a hot wife and the most beautiful daughter."

"Yeah, right!" Stevie laughs. "I'm not sure about the hot wife part."

"Sorry, I mean the hottest."

"Well, you might just get laid tonight." She cocks her head back, smiling so sweetly, I can't resist pressing a kiss to those full tempting lips. "Although, not here."

I laugh, shaking my head, as I hug her tighter from behind, placing my hands on her stomach. "I wasn't planning on that. Nobody deserves to lay their eyes on my incredibly sexy Mrs."

"You're so full of shit, Lindsey!" 

"Gee, thanks! I was complimenting you, okay?"

"I know, honey, but you're taking it one step too far. I married you, we have a daughter together, you can stop trying now."

"I would never. Just because we have all that, I'm not going to stop calling you beautiful, saying I love you or bringing you flowers whenever I feel like it."

"Well aren't you just the sweetest." 

"To you, always."

After a moment of comfortable silence, I feel Stevie's hands over mine as she clears her throat and I know she's about to tell me something serious. "There's, um... I have one more gift that I haven't given you yet for our wedding."

"I don't need anything, Steph, you know that."

"Yeah, well... I can't really return it now."

"Oh, what did you do this time?"

"Technically speaking, you did it. Well, you did me."

"What on earth are you rambling on about?"

"We're going to have another baby."

"Are you for real?"

"I wouldn't joke about it, ever." 

I stay silent, because I just don't know what to say. We weren't exactly trying for it nor did I expect it to happen again. I'm... I'm shocked, but I know I'm making her worry with my silence, as she turns around in my arms, to look at me properly.

"Well? Can't you say anything about it?"

"I just... I can't believe it! I'm happy, of course I'm happy, I'm just well and truly shocked." 

"Yeah?" I see a small smile on her lips and I nod, drawing her into my arms. "You got me nervous for a minute..."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. You know... I never thought we'd ever have one child and now you're telling me we'll have another. You continuously make me so happy." I tangle my fingers in her loose hair and pull her in for a kiss, to reassure her I am excited. "How many weeks are you?"

"Nine weeks, I found out just before we left."

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I ask, as she settles in her previous position. 

"I didn't know how. I didn't want to just put it out there, you know, like... I'm packing us a suitcase and throw in, "honey, I'm pregnant by the way" just like that. I feel... I feel blessed to be carrying your baby again, especially at my age."

"How is this moment special?"

"I feel absolutely content right now. It's as if this huge wave of calmness washed over me and a feeling of, I don't know... of safety and comfort maybe, with you like this."

"I feel it too." I realize my hands are on her stomach again and I smile to myself, as I kiss her hair and close my eyes. "I hope it's a boy."

"I do too, actually. I want us to have a mini you. I want to watch you and a little boy running in our backyard, kicking ball or splashing each other in the pool, while Cara is busy attempting to braid my hair or paint my nails. It... it warms my heart."

"You're making me emotional, stop it!"

"No way am I going to stop it! I adore when you're all emotional."

"You want me to start crying, too, huh?"

"Only if those are happy tears."

"Only happy tears from now on, baby." 

I sigh heavily, the smile never leaving my face. I've never imagined to be this lucky in life. I can call Stevie mine, Cara is a ray of sunshine, lighting up our every day and we're about to have another little firecracker to take care of. I can safely say I have everything I've ever wanted and my life is absolutely perfect.



Thank you for reading and for your feedback! I wasn't really sure where else to take this and I didn't want to add any more drama to their life in this story, so best was to wrap it up :) Hope you liked it.

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