You won't be happy

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Lindsey's POV

I left Stevie at home, while I'm out running some errands, trying to get everything done as soon as possible, because the thought of her alone scares me every time, I have to be by her side all the time, what if she needs something? What if she doesn't feel well and I I'm not with her? I couldn't forgive myself if something happened. 

As I'm walking across the parking lot to get to my car, I hear my name called out and I turn around to find... Kristen? Not again, I sigh. 

"Lindsey, don't run away from me!"

"Listen, I have nothing to say to you, stop chasing after me. I told you that we had nothing between us and I would like to move on with my life."

"I'm in love with you."

"Well, I'm not." I try to walk around her, but she steps in front of me again. "Besides, we've been out five times at most, how could you have fallen in love with me so quickly?"

"I didn't need those five times, I was mad about you the first time I saw you!"

"Please, just move out of my way, I need to go home to my pregnant girlfriend."

"I could give you so much more, I'm young and beautiful! I can give you children too!"

"Will you shut up? Are you insane?"

"I love you, Lindsey." 

"I will get a restraining order from you if you don't stop."

"No, you don't have to do that. I know you could love me too."

I'm not sure if she's being serious or this is some kind of joke. "I'm in a committed relationship, with a woman I love more than life itself and she's thirty two weeks pregnant. What the hell are you talking about me loving you? We went out a couple of times for a drink, that is all. We haven't kissed properly, we didn't get into bed, nothing happened!"

She keeps silent, just looking at me and honestly, I'm afraid of her, of what she might do. "I'm not going to leave you alone. You won't be happy."

"You're crazy." This time she remains in the same spot and I quickly lock myself in the car and pull out of the parking lot, driving away without looking back. 

I come home and Bella greets me first, yapping happily, wagging her tail. The house seems awfully quiet and I can't find Stevie anywhere, I check the bedroom first it being where she usually stays now. I begin to worry, going to the backyard, but I notice a piece of paper on the fridge, being held up by a magnet and I gasp after reading it. She's in hospital! I had a feeling, I knew something was going to go wrong today!

I drive to the hospital, which Stevie let me know she would be at and hurry to the front desk. "I'm here to see my girlfriend, she had to come here in the last three or so hours."

"Can you give me her name please?"

"Stevie, um... Stephanie Nicks." Fuck.

"She's on the second floor, the room is 204."

"Thank you!"

I barge into the room, without knocking and not bothering to check twice if it's really the correct number on the door. I see Stevie in bed, her eyes closed and I curse myself, she might have been sleeping. I go to stand by her side, taking her hand in mine. 


She clears her throat and slowly opens her eyes. "You came."

"As soon as I found your note. What happened? Is Cara okay?"

"She's okay." I feel instantly relieved, but not for long.

"Then why are you here?"

"At first I felt discomfort that developed into pain in my abdomen. That got me worried and I wasn't going to take any risks and wait for you to come home. I called myself an ambulance and was brought here. They checked the baby right away and she was fine, so the doctor ran some tests and found out that I have a mild urinary tract infection. It's usually more common in early pregnancy, but it happens later on too. I'm on antibiotics for three days, I should be as good as new."

"You scared me to death." I lean closer and press a kiss to her lips. 

"You think I was calm? I asked the doctor if my daughter was fine about a thousand times."

"I'm so sorry I was gone for too long."

"Actually, it couldn't have been an hour since you left, when I called the ambulance. I know I could have waited for you, but..."

"No, no it's best you didn't. We're so close to having her, we can't risk it. When can you go home?"

"They would like me to stay here overnight. If I'm better tomorrow, they'll release me then." 

A lot calmer now, I pull up a chair, still holding onto Stevie's hand, stroking her belly with the other. "Can I tell you something? What happened while I was out? I don't want to stress you out more."

"Go on, I feel fine."

"Okay. Well, I had another run in with Kristen. I was getting to my car and she popped out of nowhere. She has to be stalking me or something. She just doesn't listen to a word I say to her."

"What does she want?"

"She claims to have fallen in love with me. She said she did the first time we met and she knows I can love her too. I told her that I have you and that she's crazy."

"Were you telling me the truth the other time, Lindsey? I mean... if she says she's in love with you..."

"Steph, I swear to you. She's just mad! I threatened her with a restraining order and I seriously think I should get one, because she promised me she won't stay away and that I'm not going to be happy."

"Maybe we're not destined to be together, someone or something always has to interfere."  

"No, don't say that. We'll deal with someone or something, always. I love you and I'm with you, I don't care about some psycho."

"I do, Lindsey! She swore to keep looking for you! And what if she decides I'm an easier target? We're going to welcome Cara soon, what if she goes after our girl?"

"She won't, Stevie, come on. She's all talk, I'm sure."

"I'd like to be as nonchalant about this as you are."

"I'm telling you, you have nothing to worry about."

She looks away and I know she's not convinced. But I truly believe Kristen is not that insane to take some serious actions against me or my family. Although, when Stevie brought up Cara... I can't lie, it got me a lot more nervous than I was before. I shake myself out of my thoughts and concentrate on the fact my two favorite girls are alright and we'll be heading home tomorrow.

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