You lied to me

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Stevie's POV

Lindsey and I have been living together for a month now. He had purchased a new house not even a year ago and I fell in love right away, so we scrapped the plan of buying a property and decided to settle down here. It's a gorgeous house! Very spacious and I didn't have too much redecorating to do. We've been spending most of the time picking everything out and setting it up for Cara's room. That is the name we've decided on for our girl. Everyone who knows me I'm sure were making bets on us naming our daughter either Sara or Rhiannon, but no, I didn't want to. I heard the name Cara by accident, while I was out shopping and loved the sound of it. Although, what I'm not sure about yet is whether it's going to be Cara Nicks or Cara Buckingham, Lindsey and I are just living together, we haven't talked about where this is going and if he thinks that things will just happen naturally, he can think again. But he doesn't need to know that yet.

I'm home alone at the moment, Lindsey is out walking Bella. I took her back from Mick, because she was my dog and he also called one day, saying either you take her or I'll take care of her. I can't believe how much he's changed. I know that's mostly my doing, but it's not my fault I wasn't in love with him, that I still kept looking back over my shoulder into the past. I wholeheartedly wanted us to stay friends, but apparently that is just not going to happen, he made that quite obvious. I said I was sorry and that I truly didn't want to every do anything to hurt him, but he didn't listen and every member of Fleetwood Mac has been informed that reunion is not happening too.

As I'm walking down the stairs and into the kitchen for something to eat, the bell rings and without much thought of who could it be, I open the door and a slim blond is on our porch. 

"How may I help you?" 

"Hello, my name is Kristen. I was... maybe I got the address wrong, I thought that Lindsey Buckingham lives here."

"No, you didn't get it wrong. He does live here." I tell her through my gritted teeth. I have no idea who she is, but I don't like her already. "Why are you looking for him?"

"Well, Lindsey and I... we kind of were seeing each other."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Yes, but we lost contact and I was thinking about him, wondering what he's been up to and here I am."

"He's doing just fine, he's a family man now."

"Yeah, I can tell..." She says, after noticing I'm pregnant. "I'm sorry I came here, I don't know what I was thinking."

"No, you weren't." 

But before she can leave, Lindsey comes back with Bella and stops dead in his tracks. "Kristen?"

"Hi." She smiles at him and he gulps, knowing he's in deep shit. "I was just leaving."

"Why did you come here?"

"I wanted to see you, but now I know you have your life together and you're about to be a dad, so... It was a mistake me coming."

Bella is usually a very friendly dog, but she is staying away from this woman and that makes me very happy. "Come here, girl." I say and Lindsey lets go off the leash. Bella follows me into the kitchen and goes straight to her water bowl. I desperately want to know what's going on outside, but I don't want to make myself known. I'll have to ask Lindsey and he better be honest with me. 

I hear the door slam in about ten minutes and I wonder what they had to talk about for so long. Lindsey takes one look at me and knows that I'm pissed off. I keep my mouth shut and proceed to make dinner. He exhales deeply and then comes to stand behind me, putting his palms on my sides.


"Don't touch me."

"Stevie, please don't make any assumptions. She's no one, we weren't serious."

"But you said you were single."

"And I was! Kristen and I haven't even slept together once."

"Please, don't say that, I'm going to vomit."

He moves to stand next to me, crossing his arms. "I swear to you, I went out with her only a couple of times and I haven't given her any suggestions we could be more. There's a reason why we didn't stay in touch. I'm still not sure why she came here."

"When was the last time you saw her besides now?"

"Not long before we gathered at Mick's."

"And not once after it? Not in the past six months?"

"No, not in the past half of year."

"What did you two talk about outside?"

"I asked Kristen why she showed up and she said she was wondering about me. She was hoping I wasn't in a relationship."

"Oh, so she was hoping something could happen between you?"

"Maybe, but I wasn't! I promise you, I haven't given her any thought."

"How much younger is she than me?"

"Why do you care?"

"How many years she has on me?"


"Lindsey." I put my hand on my hip, letting him know he should tell me.

"Twenty one." I return to cutting up vegetables and say nothing. "You don't trust me at all."

"It's hard to."


"Because you lied to me, Lindsey. I asked you, didn't I? I asked you if there has been a woman in your life recently and you lied to my face. I don't care that you haven't fucked her, but you went out with her and she thought she was in for a shot at something with you. In my opinion, that is serious enough and you should have been honest with me."

"Why does it matter to you so much?"

"How can it not? This time it was someone just wondering about you, what if next time another girl twenty years younger than me shows up with a kid in her arms?"

"That is not going to happen."

"I hope not."

"Stevie, I'm sorry. Okay, I shouldn't have lied, but I swear, Kristen was more like a friend than anything else."

"Tell me now, Lindsey."

"There's nothing to tell." He says, sliding his arm around my shoulders and kissing my temple. "Do you believe me?"

"I believe you if you're telling the truth."

"I am."

I leave the preparation of dinner and turn to head out. "I'm going to lie down."

"Are you alright?"

"Fine. Don't follow me." I add and go to the bedroom. 

I know I overreacted and I'll apologize later, but I need a moment to myself. I had forgotten how messed up and complicated our relationship gets, once someone else is involved. We have been too wrapped up in our bubble, blissful about having each other and a baby on the way. We can't fight over the smallest things, because it will break us up. There has to be a way for us to deal with one or the other, just that we haven't figured it out yet.


Thank you for all your comments and so many votes! I'm back and I will hopefully be updating more frequently.

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