We're done

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Stevie's POV

I turned forty eight today. It feels great being surrounded by some of my oldest and dearest friends. I only wish that my parents could have come, but the distance from Phoenix was too much to ask. I spoke on the phone with both my mom and dad and it brightened up my day greatly. I received gifts from John and Christine, Lindsey presented me with a gorgeous diamond encrusted bracelet. Mick... well, I didn't get anything from him, at least not yet. Although, he hasn't even wished me a happy birthday either. I know I have to end this relationship of ours, or more like what's become of it, but I'm so afraid plans for the band will fall apart too.

I had no big plans for today, but Christine insisted we go out, just the two of us, for some time away from the guys. And it was great, I needed it. It's been a while since I put on a lovely cocktail dress and stepped into high heels or worn any full on makeup and did my hair. It was a huge ego boost, when men, some a lot younger than Chris or I, bought us drinks or approached us for a chat. While she went out for a cigarette, I was even asked out on the dance floor, but I politely declined. I don't want a stranger's hands on me, if anyone, I want only Lindsey. 

Chris and I come home and I see bottles of wine and snacks to go with it set up on the table in the living room and it's obvious they have been waiting for us to return. 

"Nice of you to join us!" John is unusually the first to speak up. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, darlings, but Stephanie here, was having too much fun, enjoying all that attention from several very handsome gentlemen." 

I slap Christine's arm, as I notice not just Mick, but Lindsey too, frown, but then start giggling and shrug. "I'm pushing fifty, Chris. I want all the attention I can get!"

"Well, since you're here now, let's have a drink in honor of our birthday girl."

The glasses are filled quickly, while Chris and I find a spot to sit. I haven't been drinking much lately, so the alcohol is getting to my head fast and I'm tipsy as it is. A glass or two will finish me, I'm sure. Mick has his arm wrapped around me, being very territorial. I'm glad the conversation is flowing freely, we've had enough uncomfortable silences to last us a lifetime. 

We're all on our first refill and John squints his eyes, looking at me and Christine, tilting his head to one side. "I've always wondered..."

"Oh, here we go!" Christine laughs, crossing her legs. "Come on, Johnny, what's been on your mind?"

"Have you two..." He wiggles his finger showing at her and me. "Done anything? You know... that us guys would be interested in hearing."

"Of course we have." I say, not fazed by the question. "The men in our lives were assholes and we lived together."

"Stevie!" Now Chris smacks me, before we both start chuckling. "We are not tell you anything."

"We have kissed countless times, tongues and all."

"Oh my God, Stephanie Lynn!" She continues giggling and for the first time, I'm happy I'm not the one blushing. 

This particular topic might be a bit uncomfortable, but it sure lightened up the mood. I see Lindsey smiling and Mick has relaxed as well. This is going great, so I decided not to stop here.

"I remember one night..." I begin and take a sip. "I had a huge fight with you, Linds, and Chris was furious with you, Johnny. We comforted each other, while we both cried our eyes out and then tired, we went to bed. I don't know how we ended up in that position, but Chris was lying on her back and my head was on her chest. We were silent, before I kissed Christine. Imagine that, I made the first move!" I emphasize by placing my hand on my chest. "Christine was too eager to respond." I say smirking and the guys are loving this. "I slid my hand up her shirt and then she pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me!"

"That is enough!" Christine shuts me up with her hand.

"Stevie was just getting started on the good stuff!" Mick whines.

"And that good stuff is for us and only us to know about."

The rest of the night is just as fun. Mick said he needed some fresh air as the wine had started getting to him too and Lindsey upped, calling it a night. Now that I don't approve of. I follow him to his room and without checking if no one is around, I invite myself in and I see him taking off his clothes. 

"Hey you." I say, smiling at him. 

"What are you doing in here, Stevie?"

"You left to soon, I didn't get enough of you."

"You're drunk, baby." He says, his hands on my sides.

"Not too drunk." I lean in to kiss him, but he pulls back.

"What's going on?"

"I loved the bracelet, but I want to get the gift I truly wanted for you to give me." I tell him and honestly, I've sobered up quite a bit.

"What... what is that then?"

"You, Linds. I want you."

"But we can't. Mick..."

"Excuse my language, but you fingered me in your hotel room against the wall, don't tell me that we can't or that you don't want this."

"No, I do, but I don't want you to regret this in the morning."

"I won't. I'm breaking up with Mick, I am." 

"I can wait, Steph." Lindsey says, although I know he hardly means it. 

"But I can't."

I take his face in my hands and bring his lips onto mine and kiss him roughly. He doesn't pull away now, his hands already roaming my body and it feels heavenly. This isn't about making love, no, this is about me wanting him and him wanting me. 

I turn around and Lindsey unfastens the zipper and my dress falls on the ground around my ankles. He unclasps my bra while at it too and spins me around in his embrace, crashing his mouth on mine again. We walk together over to the bed and I fall on it, bringing him with me. He yanks my tights off my legs, along with my panties, and gets fully naked too. 

He doesn't play around, entering me and I arch my back, digging my nails into his shoulders, biting my lip. He builds up a fast rhythm, holding my hips down and slams away into me. God... this feels incredible! This is what I longed for! 

Droplets of sweat form on his forehead and he's so concentrated, looking straight into my eyes, not even blinking. I lock my hands around his neck and bring him closer for a kiss, because I'm so close and screaming out his name is not something I can do.

He parts our lips, whispering. "Steph, I'm going to..." 

I think I know exactly what he's referring to, but I'm not going to let him pull out, as I wrap my legs around his back and urge him to finish us both. Which he does and I bite down on his lower lip hard, drawing blood.

I hold him close while we're both trying to catch our breaths and I feel him lazily leaving kisses on my chest and neck. I tilt his chin up and smile at him, he smiles back at me. "That hurt you know." He shows to his lip.

"I'm sorry, let me kiss it better." 

He reaches higher, brushing our lips softly and then sighs. "I love you, Steph. Happy birthday."

I laugh, running a hand through his curls. "Thank you and I love you too."

The morning comes too quickly and I know I have to make an exit unnoticed. Lindsey is still sound asleep as I wiggle myself out of his grasp and gather my clothes, carefully leaving his room. I enter the bedroom and I'm relieved not to find Mick here. I quickly wash myself, clean my makeup off and put on new clothes. I go to the kitchen and here I see Mick, looking out the window, with a cup in his hand. 

He faces me and says. "We're done."

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