I can't wait

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Stevie's POV

Several months have passed since my break up with Mick. None of us has heard from him yet, so I understand that Fleetwood Mac will not be making a come back. I'm sad about it, I was looking forward to it, but it seems like it wasn't meant to happen. I still think it was my fault, but everyone keeps assuring me that it was not.

I've been spending these last few months with my parents, staying in my old room that my Mom never thought of changing into something like a guest room, no, it's 'Teedee's room' she would say and I love her so much. I have been able to relax and breathe a little easier being here, I needed it badly. I'm not Stevie Nicks when I'm with my parents, I'm their, still, little Stephanie and I couldn't be happier about it. Actually, I even thought of forgetting all about Los Angeles and moving to Phoenix full time, but we'll see about that.

Lindsey hates me, I'm sure he does. Okay, no he doesn't, but I think he thought since I'm up for grabs again, that we would kind of jump into it again and just be together, but no. That is the very last thing I wanted. We talk on the phone all the time and I let him visit me a couple of times. He must be so frustrated with me, because all he is allowed to do is kiss me at most, we haven't had sex again, not even once. But he's willing to do whatever it takes, work for it and I'm glad. We've rushed things, always, giving in because of the passion we hold for each other and it usually ruined things. Happy? Sex. Sad? Sex. Angry? Sex. Mad at each other? Huge argument then fantastic sex. We're older now and I believe we have matured, even if only a little, it has to be different this time.

I roll out of bed at 11 in the morning, change out of my nightgown and into a clean set of clothes, clean myself up and head downstairs, the smell of pancakes making my stomach grumble. I used to have a cup of coffee and that's all, but now I'm being so spoiled by my mother, I can't think of not having breakfast every morning. 

"Morning." I say, kissing my Mom's cheek, as she flips pancakes and smiles at me. 

"Morning, Teedee. I made you some tea."

"Thank you."

"And I'll have a plate ready for you in a second too."

"Thank you, Mommy, you're spoiling me rotten!"

"I missed having you around so much, this is the least I can do for you, honey." 

My Dad joins us too and we eat breakfast, having light conversation about everything and anything. Neither of my parents has brought up the whole Mick thing. I told them bits and pieces when I first came back home and they respect my decision to keep the rest of it to myself. They do know that Lindsey and I are working towards getting back together, but unusually, I haven't been pushed about it either. Every single time prior to now, my Mom, even Dad, would have something like 'You two belong together, don't make this too hard on him' to say. Sometimes I think my own parents prefer Lindsey to me, he can do no wrong in their eyes!

I go back to my room for some alone time. For once, instead of writing, I decide to read through my entries in my journal, from the very first one, that marks back to almost eight months ago. As I look through what I've written down and get to the most recent thoughts of mine, I see just how much happier I am right now. I realize that my relationship with Mick was doomed from the start. All he ever was to me, including the first time we were a couple, was a friend. Amazing friend that anyone could ever wish for. None of my relationships lasted long if I wasn't passionate about the person. Although, when I left rehab again, I wanted nothing more but stability in my life, I wanted to be a boring housewife. Mick gave me that, he gave me normality and I was ready to settle for it. That was until Lindsey came back into my life. I saw that I was lying to myself, that I couldn't possibly be happy with living that way, there was no great romance in it, which I've always craved for. 

I'm brought out of my bubble by the phone ringing on the nightstand by the bed. I take the receiver and put it to my ear, grinning instantly, when I hear Lindsey's voice.

"How are you today?"

"I'm fabulous. I was actually thinking about you."

"Oh? Good thoughts?"

"The best! I was thinking how happy I've been because of you."

"I'm glad to hear that, baby."

"And you?"

"I'm alright, my thoughts are with you already. Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Me too, it's been a long month."

"And whose fault is that, mm?"

"Not mine entirely, you've been busy in your beloved studio. At least, I hope you're writing songs about me?"

"You, of course, only about you, Steph."

"Bring your guitar, you can show me when you're here."

"I'd be happy to."

"It just might be your lucky night tomorrow then."

"Oh, don't tease me, baby..."

"I'm not. I'll have a long nice bath before you arrive, leave my hair to dry out naturally like you love me to, put body lotion all over and smell all sweet for you, put on beautiful lingerie and sit pretty, waiting for you. Then I'll take you to my room and make sweet sweet love. How does that sound?"

"Like I'm about to have an orgasm."

I burst out laughing and so does Lindsey. "You ruined it, Linds!"

"I'm sorry, but I miss you, in more ways than just one..."

"Well, then, you go take care of yourself and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Gee, thanks!"

"Love you."

"I love you." 

We say our goodbyes and I put the receiver in its cradle, smiling to myself. He's so easy to wind up! And he's so cute and handsome, and sexy, and oh God I want him so badly right now! What in the world made me say all of that to him?

I decide to take a warm shower and go to the bathroom, still with that idiotic grin on my face. I flick the light on and start undressing, first taking off my shirt that somehow gets attached to the elastic band in my hair. Before I get too worked up, luckily, my Mom comes in to see me.

"Please, dear God, help me, Mom!"

She just laughs at me and then comes to my aid, neatly folding my shirt and puts it away. She sighs, looking at me through the floor length mirror, smiling. "You've never looked more beautiful, Stephanie."

I smile too, nodding. "I know. I can't wait to tell Lindsey."


Thank you for your amazing feedback and votes! Judging by them, this has been one of my most successful stories yet, thank you! Just a little message to let you know that I might not be updating much next week, because I'm going on vacation. But I'll try my best to!

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