Get out

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Lindsey's POV

Weeks are passing by agonizingly slowly. I thought that things were fine, sort of, but actually it's quite the opposite. Mick senses the strong connection between Stevie and I. He hardly lets her out of his sight and that's caused her and I alone time to be very limited. I wake up every morning around the same time as Stevie and make sure to catch her before she takes Bella out for a walk, that's a perfect excuse for us to go out together. We even have our spot now, the same one where I kissed her the first time those few weeks back. Usually we just stand, hugging each other and exchange small kisses, because anything beyond that would be too risky. 

Stevie's birthday is approaching and I have brought a gorgeous bracelet from LA with me, when I was flying to Maui, just in case. Of course I want to give it to her, but I don't know how Mick would take it, if he got jealous again and steal her away from the rest of us to spend some time alone... At least that alone time doesn't involve sex, or I hope it doesn't, but I know Stevie and she's very vocal. Or maybe, like she said, Mick just isn't any good and there's no reason for her to moan and groan and repeat his name. Ugh, why am I even thinking about this?!

Like very other morning, I go downstairs and make myself a cup of coffee. I finish it and Stevie should be coming down any time now too, but instead of her I see Mick and fight back a frown. 


"Good morning to you too." Mick says, looking at me as if he's waiting for me to say something back. "Aren't you going out for a walk?"

"I, umm... I think I'll go later."

"Oh, of course. Stevie's a lot better company than I am, should have known."

"What, no! No, Mick, this has got nothing to do with her."

"Listen. You can tell me whatever the hell you want to, but I know what you're up to. I know you're after her, Lindsey. From innocent enough, considering, exchanges of looks, the two of you are now leaving the house together, trying to find any excuse to be alone with each other and I don't like that. You didn't deny it, you're in love with my woman. That's your problem, but I want you to back off."

"Your woman?" I cross my arms, raising an eyebrow. "Do you honestly believe she's yours?"

"Well, she's definitely not living with you, so..."

"Oh, Mick..." I shake my head. "Stevie will never be yours. If you can't see that, than I feel so sorry for you."

"I want you out of here, Buckingham."

"It's your problem that you can't accept the truth." I mimic what he told me a few minutes ago. 

"I'm serious, go to a hotel, fly back home, I don't care. Just leave my home."

"Mick, what is wrong with you?" We both turn to look at Stevie. "You don't have to leave, Lindsey."

"Yes, he does! I don't want him around you."

"He's my guest too, I live here too, Mick!"

"Oh, if you're so persistent, then maybe you want him here? You love him drooling over you, huh? Or are you two fucking again already?"

I sigh, breaking up their fight. "I'll go."

"Lindsey, no."

"It's fine, Stevie. Maybe Mick will start thinking straight soon enough and I'll come back. Or not."

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Probably that hotel, that's the closest to this place."

"You don't have to." 

"Yes he does." Mick says again and I leave them alone, to throw some clothes into a bag and grab one of my guitars. 

I enter the hotel room and fall down on the bed. I understand Mick, well some of what he's saying anyway. But he knew this could happen! He initiated the whole thing, he knew he was with Stevie and that things could take a left turn. It's not either of ours fault, Stevie's or mine, that we still love each other and most likely that will never change. But then again... Why go on with this? Why can't she just break up with Mick? What's keeping her with him? Maybe I shouldn't believe everything that she's telling me? I hate this situation we're in, I really do. Mick and I have been friends for a long time, with our ups and downs, but we have been. And now, it's like we're back in high school, we're fighting over a woman! Not just any of course, but still... I groan and make myself more comfortable on the bed and lay like this, until I drift off.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep, when I hear knocking. I'm almost sure it's Stevie, but I'm still trying not to get too excited. It could be Mick too, coming here to pick another fight. 

I open the door and my first guess was right, I see Stevie standing in the hallway, looking like a small child, she's clearly been crying. I usher her inside and lock the door. She just opens her arms, asking for a hug and I pull her closer.

"Hey..." I look down at her. "What's wrong? What happened, baby?"

"I missed you." 

"And that's why you've been crying your heart out?"

"That and because Mick hasn't stopped accusing me of cheating on him and saying that I don't want to be with him really and we're still together for God knows what reason."

"I hope I don't make you more upset, but why are you with him? Haven't we talked about this weeks ago?"

"We have, but I don't want thing to escalate even more. This reunion will go to hell if I break it off with him, he won't forgive me. It's not a random man, it's you Lindsey. I can't just spit it out to him, I... I have to somehow soften the blow the best I can."

I nod, only partly understanding as she lays her head on my shoulder and I stroke her hair. "How did you know where to find me?"

"You said it yourself, you'll be staying here."

"No, I mean the room?"

"Oh, I'm Stevie Nicks." She chuckles and I smile. 

"Good enough explanation."

We're holding each other for a while longer, swaying on our feet lightly, when I feel this overpowering urge in me to kiss her. And I do, lifting her head off my shoulder, I lock our lips and linger, before she herself opens her mouth and I slide my tongue in, tasting her, feeling her warmth and her own tongue pushing at mine. It's always about power between us. Always.

I'm grateful that she's wearing a dress, I love that she does that now, and slide my hand under the garment, feeling her intensifying the kiss, as I let her take control, while my hand continues its journey. She gasps into my mouth as I run my palm over her ass, God, that ass... And squeeze too. I walk her back to the wall and lift one of her legs, wrapping it around my waist. I touch her between her legs and she has to part our lips, throwing her head back, closing her eyes. My fingers move in slow circles through the material of her panties that are soaking wet. I push them to a side, giving her skin to skin contact, as her arms tighten around me. I slickly insert two fingers inside her, again moving them in and out slowly, until she can't take it much longer and asks me to make her come. I begin thrusting my fingers inside her faster, adding my thumb to her clit and she's crying, clutching me, as she tightens and then lets go.  

I hold her up, because I doubt she could stand up straight by herself right now and withdraw my fingers, then lick them clean, making sure she sees it.

"Fuck..." She gasps and kisses me softly. "I want to do that to you now."

"No." I say and kiss her cheek. "You're in enough trouble because of me as it is."

"But... it's not fair. I'm always fair!"

I laugh, easing her down on the floor. "I'll get my turn, I know you'll make sure of it."

She looks at me with disappointment, but I assure her I'm fine. "I love you, I do."

"I know." We kiss again, before she turns to leave. "You have to go home now."

And she does, leaving me alone and despite what I said, I wanted her more than ever before. I hurry to the bedroom, while her scent still lingers on me...

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