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Stevie's POV

I've been lying flat on my back for what feels like days. I hear the door to the bedroom open, but I can't see who's coming in, because my belly is so huge. 

"Make yourself known." I say and Lindsey chuckles. "That is not funny, not one bit."

"I'm sorry." He comes into my view at last and bends down to kiss me. "I was just coming in to tell you I'm driving to the airport to pick your parents up."

"Okay. I can assure you, I won't be moving an inch."

Lindsey says goodbye and walks out, leaving me in peace again. I love him, but I prefer being by myself right now as absolutely everything is annoying me. I just want to stay in bed and do nothing until it's necessary for me to get to the hospital. If everything goes to plan, then my due date is in a week, but I wanted to have my mother with me in case Cara decided to surprise us. I know myself and I know Lindsey, we would completely freak out and I would end up giving birth in our bed if we had no one to calm us down.

I hear Bella sniffing around on the other side of the door and she starts scratching the door and I curse Lindsey for not letting her in earlier. I get up, groaning and let her in, as she greets me excited. Since I'm already up, I decide to go downstairs and make myself a cup of tea, I'm dying of thirst. Bella follows me every step of the way and I'm trying my best to see her, so I won't step on my poor dog, kill her and then most likely trip and fall over as well. 

I only get to pour the water into the cup, when I see Lindsey's car pulling in the driveway and I know I'll get so much complaints about me being out of bed. My Mom comes through the door first and gasps, placing a hand over her chest.

"Stephanie Lynn Nicks, what are you doing on your feet?!"

"Nice to see you too."

"I mean that, get your behind into bed right now!"

"Please, you're overreacting." I go to hug her, well more like, put my hands on her shoulders. "Daddy!" My father kisses me on the cheek and I make extra effort to embrace him.

"You promised me not to move." Lindsey looks at me pointedly and I roll my eyes, taking my tea. 

"Okay, okay! I'm on my way and you can all stay down here and gossip about me."

My Mom comes in not much later and takes a seat on the bed, smoothing out my hair. "You're so beautiful, Teedee."

"No, what I think you meant to say was, you're really fat, Teedee."

"Will you stop!" Her palm wanders to my belly. "You've got the most beautiful girl growing inside of you, you're not fat."

"I wouldn't mind if that beautiful girl got out already."

"Oh, don't say that. It sounds so mean."

"I'm over being pregnant, I feel fat and ugly, and disgusting and I'm shocked Lindsey is still sleeping with me."

"Didn't it occur to you that he loves you and his daughter and he can't wait to meet her?"

"All kidding aside, he's been incredible. I couldn't have done it without him."

"I couldn't be happier for the two of you." Mom smiles and I agree, it's still hard for me to believe we got to this point. 

"Did you get here alright? How was the flight?"

"Everything went fine, slight delay, but we're here."

"Thank you for coming sooner than we talked at first, I need you here with me, Mom." 

AcceptanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora