Chapter 18

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"Is that it?" I murmured, my eyes widening as I took in the scene in front of us.

"Must be." Mason shrugged, his eyes sweeping over the club.

Standing in front of us was Luminate and I could now understand why it was considered so elite.

The building was three storeys high with bright, neon flashing lights erupting from every window, crevice and crack. At the top was the club's name, printed in bold and flashy lettering, making it visible from miles away. 

Music flowed out of the building, filling the street with rich, disjointed club beats. My eyes strayed from the building down to its entrance, and I did a double-take at the number of people gathered around the mains doors, or queuing in long lines, waiting to enter. There must have been at least fifty people outside, dressed in their tiny dress and sleek jackets.

I frowned and rubbed my hands up my arms trying to create some warmth. The ten minute walk here had been cold, not to mention painful in the heels I was currently wearing, and I had been looking forward to entering the club and escaping the icy London wind. But now looking at the endless line, hopes of leaving the night-time air anytime soon vanished.

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest, when I saw Chris walking up ahead, Emily on his arm, completely disregarding the line. My mouth fell open and I threw a glance at JT, who had his hands in his pockets with a smirk.

"What's Chris doing?" I asked confused.

"His and Molly's cousin is an owner remember? Another perk of that is not having to wait in line."

My eyebrows lifted. "Seriously?"

JT nodded, his eyes straying forward to Chris who was now at the front of the queue.

"Yes. Their cousin speaks to the bouncer beforehand whenever we come, so that when we do arrive one of them can just go and tell him we're here and-"

He stopped when Chris turned towards us, calling us over with a shout and wave of his arm.

JT threw me a grin. "And bingo. We're in."

He headed forwards and I quickly followed after, shaking my head with a smile. I noticed a lot of people in the line throwing us glares, probably wondering why a bunch of teenagers were pushing in front, but at that moment I didn't really care. I was freezing. 

We came up to the bouncer; a big, muscular man with tattoos wrapping around his tree-trunk arms, and I felt Mason's presence behind me as he chatted to Chris. I took a deep breath and tried not to squirm at his proximity.

What was up with me today? Since when had Mason started making me feel uncomfortable?

I remembered the feeling of his hot palm on my back, and I bit my lip, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I was then aware that Mason had full view of my bare back, and despite it just being my back, I couldn't help the wave of self- consciousness that licked it's way up my spine.

I was relieved when we finally moved past the bouncer and into the dark, strobe lit club.

Music echoed around us, and we were surrounded by masses of people, all dressed to the nines and intoxicated.

There was a large round dance floor in the middle of the room, and then a long bar serving drinks that wrapped around the opposite end. I looked up, squinting my eyes through the bright lights, and took in the two levels above me, watching as people leant against the steel banisters, laughing, speaking, and smoking.

This place was amazing. Filled to the brim with colours and people and music, and due to the large mass of hot bodies, warmth. Finally, my violent shivers were appeased and my body sagged with relief. 

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