Chapter 31

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"Crap." I muttered distractedly, craning my neck to look outside of the rolled-down window.

I had been attempting- and failing- to parallel park my car for the last ten minutes, expletives leaving my tongue steadily throughout the process.

When I finally did manage to get the vehicle within all four lines, I ripped the key out of the ignition, effectively killing the car's engine.

Fanning myself with one hand, as the summer was rolling in fast and aggressively, I sent Mason a quick message to let him know that I was there. With a sigh, I then let my head fall back against the seat, gazing lazily at my surroundings.

It was a pretty day today, boasting a full, blue sky and a carefree wind. Despite being a fan of the cold weather, I couldn't help but appreciate the day in all of its summery appeal. It was the type of day that could effortlessly sit a smile on one's face.

I was sitting outside the town's most popular dining venue, where many different restaurants, diners and cafes were spaciously situated along the street. Most of them had outside sitting areas, and from the crowds of people eating along the decorated sidewalks, I gathered that early Friday evenings were a primetime for the street.

I scanned my eyes along the crowds, trying to remember the café Mason had mentioned. But to be honest, he was lucky that I'd even remembered the street. With exams and college applications and everything else that had been going on, my memory had become a little haphazard.

Distractedly, I watched a couple as they walked along the street, each holding a tiny hand of the little girl between them. Her blonde hair bobbed up and down in cork screw curls, her face alight with warmth. Simultaneously, she was then swung up into the air by both her parents, mouth and eyes widening in delight.

I smiled slightly- and then jumped violently at the sound of three, sharp knocks on the window. Lifting a hand to my chest, I turned to see Mason standing outside the window, his features pulled up in amusement.

I scowled at him through the glass, however begrudgingly unlocked the side-door.

"You know, you don't have to make it your mission in life to always sneak- oh, Hi Mrs Tanner."

I gave her a slightly sheepish smile as she came out from behind Mason.

"Hello Rose. Nice to see you again." Her smile was seamless and her golden eyes and hair, so alike to Mason's, shone in the setting sun.

Mason shot me a cocky grin unnoticed by his mother, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I've been good thank you. Just busy, but good."

She nodded kindly.

"Well you two enjoy the rest of the evening. Are you going to be doing anything?"

Mason slid easily into the car, his face light and relaxed. "Yeah, I'm going to be having a few friends tonight-"

"A party?" Mason's mother asked, her lips pulling up into a knowing smirk.

Mason just chuckled. "No mom, just a small get-together."

"Mm-hm." She said through pursed lips, however her eyes were filled with humour. "Well enjoy yourselves. Bye Rose, lovely seeing you again."

I gave her a smile and wave. "You too."

Shutting the door, Mason turned and graced me with his crooked smile.

"Struggled with the parking?"

My mouth dropped. "I'm in the lines- how do you-"

Mason chuckled, casually bringing his phone out of his back pocket. "I've been watching you for the last half an hour-"

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