63. Shifts Happen

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Shifts Happen
Season 10 x 04
August/September, 2003:

for the past week and a half, my mom or dad had been staying with luka as i went to work. they made him soup and took his temperature every few minutes.
i think he liked being nurtured like that, though. gillian had gone back to africa awhile ago.
lately, i'd been at work for what felt like forever. the worst part about it was i was triaging. that and the fact that all my nurses were on suspension for 90 days.
i was thankful i at least had malik.
"gianna" pratt smiled
"you have new nurses"
i stood up and went behind the admit desk.
"nice to meet you all" i waved
"fresh out of nursing school?"
they nodded their heads.
"i'm gianna coletti, i'm the nurse manager"
"any questions, schedule conflicts, anything you can run by me"
"i guess i'll give you a tour of the ER" i smiled
"right here we have the admit desk where charts are found"
"curtain areas"
three of the women said something in a different language.
"hey" i scowled
"i respect the fact that you know more than one language but don't be talking about me"
"i tend to be a very nice person but i can make your life hell down here if i really want to"
"exam rooms are over there and next to them we have the trauma rooms"
"the drug lockup"
"most medications are locked up and you need a key from me or any of the other senior nurses"
"down this hall holds more supplies"
"have fun"
"we can just help out now?" a girl asked
i looked at my watch.
"im off in a half an hour so nurse abby will also be here to help out later"
"if you can't find me or abby, malik is your man"
"don't kill anyone, please"
i leaned on the desk in the hallway, scribbling into charts.
"you're off soon aren't you?" kerry asked
"yeah" i smiled
it was almost 9.
"how's luka doing?"
"he's doing a lot better"
"back to work soon?"
"maybe, i'll have to see if he's up to it" i shrugged
"it's a little hectic, if you want me to stay i can"
"no, please, go home"
"alright" i smiled
"don't leave this place, after all romano has done, you're the best nurse on the floor"
"thank you, kerry" i smiled
"you have a good night" i added
she nodded back at me.
i walked around the desk to clock out.
"you're leaving me?" malik groaned
"12 hours"
"abby will be on soon"
"let her know about the new nurses"
"and make sure she knows about those two who talk about us behind our backs"
"oh i will"
"night, malik"
"see you, g"

i swung my bag over my shoulder. god, i couldn't believe it was already early fall. i couldn't believe how dumb some of those nurses were either.
i locked my car and walked up the stairs to my apartment.
i unlocked the door and threw my shoes and bag by the door, walking toward my bedroom.
"how are you?" i asked luka, he was laying in bed.
"tired of doing nothing"
"you're feeling better?"
he nodded
i gave him a kiss.
"your dad and brother left not long ago"
"i'm surprised you're not sick of my family already"
"i like your family"
"i'm glad"
"how's county?"
"construction is done"
"the new med students and nurses aren't so good though"
he looked down
"you've eaten something?"
"i'll come to bed soon" i smiled, wandering into the kitchen.

it maybe chilly outside but my apartment felt like a sauna.
i put on a pair of pyjama bottoms and a tank top, sliding into bed.
i laid on my side and just as i began to fall asleep i felt lukas hands wrap around my rib cage. he dug his face into my neck and started kissing my neck.
"luka" i sighed
except he kept kissing my collarbones.
"you really are up to do this?"
him rolling me over was enough of a confirmation.
god, i missed this.

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