right where you left me - three

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a/n - please vote!

"unit five on the scene, responding to the report of car crash."

 "roger that, unit five."

out of curiosity, y/n starts to swing to the street. she had nothing else better to do, not many crimes tonight.

she stands on the building beside it, as she scans the commotion, car smashed into a pole. the front of the car had a big dent in it, smoke coming from the engine. her eyes widen.

olivia's arm was wrapped around an emts neck, stumbling away from the car. y/n quickly drops down from the building, landing in front of them two. 

olivia wipes her tears, looking up as she recognizes the metallic red and gold suit. of course y/n was here. the mask of y/n's slides down, joining into her suit from the middle of her neck, down. olivia looks at y/n's scared face. "olivia, what happened?!" she asks, eyebrows furrowed. "just... had a bit of a crash," olivia answers.

y/n sits on the hospital chair beside the bed, looking at olivia. her eyes were slightly puffy, nose and eyes red. olivia wasn't majorly hurt, thank god. "does anything hurt?" y/n asks her. olivia shakes her head. she was a good driver, y/n didn't understand how she crashed. "did someone crash into you for you to crash into the pole? swerved?" y/n asks. "no," olivia says, "just... eyes were blurry." "tired?" "no." "crying, right?" y/n asks, making olivia look at her. "unfortunately. i don't really wanna talk about it," olivia says. "that's okay," y/n says. "you can go home, y/n. it's late," olivia tells her, feeling bad she had to stay. "no, it's only eleven-thirty. i'd still be out," y/n says, "plus, who's gonna take you home?" olivia smiles at y/n's question that she made her confirm that y/n would take her. "you don't have to," olivia says. "do you not like swinging?" "you know i do." "then i'll take you home once you're cleared."

y/n looks up as olivia's mom walks into the hospital room with a worried look. she realizes she should probably take the suit off. the suit retracts into her suit device that was slipped onto the band of her sweatpants, standing up. "oh, y/n?" olivia's mom says as she looks at her. "hi, mrs rodrigo," y/n says. she wasn't sure whether or not they were on first-name basis since olivia and her broke up. "how are you?" y/n asks, smiling as olivia's mom pulls her in for a hug.

after they all have a talk, olivia insists her mom to go home as it was almost one in the morning. "are you sure you're okay to take olivia home, y/n?" she asks. "i'm sure," y/n smiles, hugging her goodbye.

olivia wraps her arms around y/n as y/n's mask comes back up. "ready?" y/n asks. "yeah," olivia says, jumping and wrapping her legs around y/n. y/n was unsure where to put her hands, as she normally placed them on her ass.

she ends up placing a hand on the back of olivia's quads, and they start to swing. olivia's apartment wasn't too far, maybe a five minute swing. "how're you feeling?" y/n asks olivia, her arms tightly around y/n. olivia wishes that y/n chose another suit, one where olivia could feel her body instead of the metal. 

olivia and y/n get into olivia's elevator, heading to her floor. "i'm surprised you didn't get a lot more hurt," y/n says, "your car turned out pretty bad." "i know," olivia says, "but now i have to get a new car." "at least you didn't die," y/n says, olivia smiling.

olivia and y/n get to her apartment door, and olivia looks at y/n. she really wanted her to come in. 

y/n's mind was running. she didn't want this awkward tension between olivia and her anymore, even if they don't end up talking. she decides to clear the air.

y/n looks at olivia, "olivia?" "yeah?" olivia says. "i'm happy for you," y/n tells her, "like, genuinely. i'm happy that you're happy, and i really, really hope that louis treats you as you deserve."

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