summer break - four

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olivia holds connor's waist as connor paddles his arms, his arm floaties and swimming jacket holding him up. "you're so good at swimming, connor!" olivia grins, watching as connor kicks his feet, splashing the water. y/n and olivia both look away, laughing.

y/n softly flicks the water, and connor flinches as it hits his face. he looks at y/n, and they all laugh as connor slaps the water with his hand. 

after playing in the pool for about an hour, y/n gets out first, holding connor. connor shakes from the coldness of not being in the pool. "hot tub?" she asks connor, smiling. "hot tub," he whispers. "come on, liv," y/n says, smiling as olivia gets out of the pool. on y/n's lap, connor plays with the bubbles that came out of the hot tub as y/n and olivia sit beside each other. "so, how's school?" y/n asks olivia. she was curious on how olivia would be in school. "school's good," olivia nods, "you?" "good, too," y/n nods. olivia places her head on y/n's shoulder, closing her eyes, "i could stay in the hot tub forever." "me too," y/n smiles, placing her cheek on olivia's head.

"last night was so perfect," olivia smiles once she joins conan, madison and iris at iris' house, getting onto the topic of y/n, "and this morning." "what'd you guys get up to?" conan asks, wiggling his eyebrows. olivia laughs, shaking her head as she stares at iris' blanket with a smile as she remembers, "so i went to y/n's and we watched a movie. we- kinda flirted, a little. then i ended up on her chest, and fell asleep in, like, twenty minutes." 

"what a surprise," iris sarcastically says. "shut up," olivia chuckles, "then... i woke up fully on her, and her arms were wrapped around me. it was really cuddly. then i met y/n's mom for a minute before meeting her baby brother- he's the cutest, i'l show a picture later- and then she made us pancakes and we went for a swim. i placed my head on her shoulder in the hot tub, and she places her cheek on my head. it was really cute, actually... then we hung out for a bit, and then i went home to shower, and came here." "ask her out!" madison says, laughing. "no! it's only been three days," olivia says, "we're moving kinda fast. maybe i need to lay back a little."

1 week later
olivia and y/n have been talking pretty much every day. y/n had only one shift with olivia and her friends, and they went out to lunch one time. but other than that, they haven't seen each other much.

y/n scans the crowd of people in the pool and surrounding it, before looking at the building door. she smiles as she sees olivia and her usual friends, except, with a few more people. two guys, one blonde and one brunette. y/n didn't know olivia was coming.

y/n looks away so it wasn't creepy for olivia. her shift was over in an hour-ish, it's been a long shift. a little more. she just had her break five minutes before olivia came. 

olivia saw y/n on one of the lifeguard chairs, but y/n wasn't looking at her. it's gonna be hard for olivia to see when y/n was looking at her, since she had sunglasses on. two of conan's friends came today- louis and riley. she was friends with louis as she was in the same music class as him. riley was louis' friend, but he was sort of friends with everyone here.

y/n's watches olivia walk into the pool, following her friends in. "hey, y/n!" scarlett yells out. y/n looks down, and scarlett throws her an apple. "oh, thank you," y/n smiles at her. "no problem. i'm heading home now, have a good shift," scarlett says, starting to walk past. "i will," y/n says.

twenty minutes go by, and y/n keeps an eye on olivia and her friends. thank god she had sunglasses on. though, she did notice olivia being particularly close to the brunette guy. olivia pushes the guy a big splash, both of them laughing as he splashes her back.

y/n's heart sinks a little. what if olivia wasn't even gay? what if she had a boyfriend? god, she should've asked.

jess blows the whistle twice shortly, and y/n looks back at the pool, seeing olivia on top of louis' shoulders with his hands on her thighs to hold her steady, iris on conan's. she looks at jess, and jess motions her hands for them to get off. jess knew about olivia, y/n had talked to her about olivia. 

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