iris' sister - three

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a/n - please vote! just a little tw about overdose 

olivia knocks on y/n's door after iris heavily implied olivia to ask her to play a game of pool. "come in," y/n says. olivia opens the door, smiling at y/n, "wanna play a game of pool?" y/n moves her lips to one side, squinting her eyes slightly, then saying, "sure."

olivia smiles as y/n breaks the triangle, the balls scattering across the table. "do you, like, practise every day, twenty-four seven?" olivia asks. "no, you make it seem like i'm sort of nerd," y/n says, moving around the table. "nothing wrong with being a nerd," olivia says, "it's impressive." "thanks," y/n says, "i used to practice a lot." "so you do," olivia smiles. "no, i used to. not as much now," y/n says. "how often did you practice?" olivia asks. "my dad and i would play a few games every... like, second day," y/n says, "around." "and your dad's good?" olivia asks. "really good," y/n answers. "i think i can beat him," olivia says. "yeah, i'll tell him you wanna verse him," y/n says, shooting the ball. it hits the corner, bouncing out. olivia smiles, "no... you have to train me." "but you seem pretty confident," y/n says, watching olivia line her shot up. she then shoots the ball, and it goes into the pocket. "yeah, i guess i'm pretty good," olivia sighs, "i don't need the training."

olivia was sitting on the stool that was beside the pool table, y/n opposite her and leaning her back against the table as she holds the cue. they were mid game, but they haven't even playing for the past ten minutes. they were talking about school, as it was olivia's last year. "nervous to graduate?" y/n asks. olivia nods, "yeah." "what do you wanna be?" "a singer," olivia says, "it might be a little too ambitious, though." "only too ambitious if you make it," y/n says, "i've heard you sing karaoke with iris downstairs. you have a nice voice." "oh, i wasn't even actually singing," olivia laughs from embarrassment. "well, proves my point," y/n says, "or... maybe you just sound good up against iris." olivia laughs again, "that could be it, too."

y/n listens to olivia as she talks, keeping her eyes on her. they were on the topic of... relationships. y/n didn't even know how, it must've been a smooth transition. "i'm not, like, super crazy with the guys or girls at my school," olivia says, "most of the girls are straight, and most of the guys are douches." "what about that pizza guy?" y/n asks, and olivia chuckles, shaking her head. "not for me," olivia says, "nice guy, but just didn't match my energy." y/n feels a little bit of relief, nodding. 

"what about you?" olivia decides to take the risk and ask. y/n immediately thinks of gracie, and her eyes fall to her feet. "no- we... we don't have to talk about it, y/n," olivia says, "sorry."

y/n really wanted to tell olivia, actually. this was the conversation that made her a lot more comfortable with olivia. she was glad iris was friends with someone like her. she hasn't talked about gracie in more than a year. 

y/n then looks back at olivia, asking her, "do you wanna talk about it?" olivia shakes her head, "only if you want to. genuinely." "okay. let's go to my room, then," y/n says, taking olivia's cue and putting it back. olivia started to feel really nervous.

they were laying on y/n's bed, staring at the white ceiling for a few minutes in silence. olivia didn't wanna say anything, and y/n was thinking of where to even start. i guess the start made sense.

"her name was gracie," y/n says, and olivia glances at y/n, before looking at the ceiling again. "we met when we were sophomores, sixteen," y/n says. olivia couldn't believe y/n was telling her. "we were in a lot of the same classes, so she talked to me one day... and we became friends. then good friends. then best friends. then i asked her out, and we started dating," y/n says, taking a deep sigh, "i know you saw the photo on my desk, that's her." "she's really pretty," olivia whispers. "i know," y/n says, "she was such a happy person. you would always be smiling if you were in a room with her. i was so madly in love. i really thought that i would marry her one day." olivia swallows, looking at y/n as y/n's eyes were watering. "we dated for a little more than two years. i didn't... no one thought that anything was wrong with her," y/n says, "she was always laughing, never took anything seriously. she broke up with me because she said that she wanted to focus on getting into harvard. i didn't wanna argue with her, because i knew how much she dreamt of it. she said that once she got in, we could get back together. but two days later... she just... decided she had enough of life." olivia's heart drops the same time a tear does from y/n's eyes.

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