Burnt Homes

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(Dedicated to SpiritOfDarkness , good luck with everything! this one's for you! )

The red dragon snarled at the brute as he raised his knife to stab her. The reaper had transformed into a scaly dragon with red thorny spikes growing from her skin. Made me doubt how much damage a dagger could do much. However, before the thin blade could even come close to her, she opened her mouth exposing two rows of razor sharp teeth. She roared so powerfully that the dagger was knocked from his tight grip; and was flung to the opposite side of the house, straight into the wall.

She was massive, despite being all on her fours. Her large tail snaked side to side, balancing her body from behind. Having lost one of his dagger, Aglos grabbed her tail and furiously stabbed it twice. She roared angrily and was quick to turn around to bite Aglos' arm off. I was paralyzed when I saw the gigantic grey arm fly and hit the floor in front of me; fingers still jerking. Blood sprayed from the wound. It splattered onto my face and my lips, and I felt myself twitch before passing out.

I heard roars and the dagger slicing empty air before I felt the dark overcome me.

When I came to, I was looking at the dark blue evening sky. Something like black snow had filled the sky and hit my cheek. It burned a little so I tired so rub it off. It was when I tried to move my hand that I realized that I had been touching something wet. I got up to look at my pants, and scrunched up my nose at the smell of my urine.

"Crap..." I muttered to myself before looking around to try to see if I could do anything about it. That's when I realized that one of the worst things imaginable had come to pass.

The thing that had been falling from the sky wasn't black snow. It was soot. The sky was partially blue, and the rest was filled with black smoke that was the result of my house as it continued to be consumed by flames.

I made a whimper in disbelief with my mouth closed and I began to feel my eyes water before I felt someone nudge me with their foot.

I looked behind me and saw the reaper... stark naked. I averted my eyes immediately and blinked hard to make the tears go away. "W-What... why is my h-house on fire?" I stumbled quietly. She removed her foot from my back and crossed her arms.

"Shouldn't you thank me for saving your life first?" She replied annoyed. And then I remembered. She was a dragon.

Don't dragons breathe fire?

"Did you set my house on fire?" I asked, my voice quivering. She sighed irritated.

"You ordered me to, remember?"

"'Kick his butt.' I told you to kick his butt. Not to light my house on fire!" I yelled, my voice rising with my anger.

She slapped me across my face and glared at me with her red eyes, gripping me by my shirt. "Don't talk down at me. You commanded me, and I fulfilled the order and more; as is my duty." It was the first time she hadn't spoken to me in riddles, and I felt myself calm down only to be riled up again.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, earning a small surprised expression from her. "But where are we supposed to live now?" I blushed as I did my best to only stare above her neck. "You don't even have any clothes... here." I took off my black V-neck and handed it to her. I had a white undershirt underneath so I wasn't shirtless."It's not much, but it's something. Hopefully no one will look twice since it's summer."

"Ask the people who came over." She suggested as she slid the shirt on.


"Ask. If. We. Can. Stay. Over." I looked at her confused before submitting to her harsh glare. "Fine, I'll do it."

I pulled out my cell phone and began to type down a text to Miles before I looked up and realized something. "What are we going to do about those?" I pointed at her horns and tail. Her thin, blood red tail wildly swung side to side and her thick curved horns didn't look like it was going to just disappear.

"Leave them be. I haven't hurt anyone with them before." I scrunched up my nose and felt my eyebrows furrow together in dislike. "What?"

Then I relaxed. "I have an idea." I remarked in a mischievous tone. She looked at me as if she was getting ready to hurt me and I grinned.

"And that's how we ended up here." I concluded as we sat on the couch across from the twins. I noticed Miles looked at me to the reaper. Shirley nervously glanced at me.

"Who's she?" She asked worriedly. I jerked and felt myself grow stiff.

How am I going to explain her to them? Crap, I didn't think this through!

"I'm his cousin. It's nice to meet you, my name is Linc." The reaper's tone was light and easy going, and I looked at her shocked that she could produce such a lighthearted voice.


"Oh, that's what it is. She was staying with you this morning too wasn't she?" Shirley asked, seeming relieved as she placed the pieces together. "Miles, it shouldn't be a problem if they stay right? Hero doesn't have any family to go to, so it's not like we can just leave him on the street."

"Him I have no problem with." He muttered before glaring at the reaper who named herself Linc. They held eyes for a moment. After a while, I shifted beside her uncomfortably before she noticed what was going on. Her eyebrow twitched, but she kept her eyes locked in on his before Shirley forced Miles to look away.

"Miles, stop being creepy! I'm sorry, he usually isn't like this..."

"It's fine, really." Linc reassured her. "So it's fine if we stay?" Shirley looked at her as if the answer was obvious. Linc nodded, flashing me a faint satisfied smile before standing up. "So... I guess I'm sleeping with you?" Shirley nodded and waved at Miles.

"You guys sleep well, okay? We all have school tomorrow, don't forget!"

"We won't." He yawned, still glaring at Linc. They continued to glare at each other until Shirley led Linc to her room.

"Guess that's our cue to go to bed huh?" I commented playfully. My words were met with silence. "Miles?"

"Is she really your cousin?" He questioned. His voice was cold; and one glance at his eyes showed that they were dull; void of emotion. I felt my voice become caught in my throat and sniffled. Suddenly, my back became sweaty and I rolled my tongue around my mouth. Licking my lips, I nodded yes. He watched me carefully before sighing. "Take my room then. For tonight, I'll take the couch here."

I stood up shaken, but did my best to remain calm.

Why did Miles give me the chills just now?

"Are you sure about this? I can take the couch..."

"It's cool man." There it was. His voice again. Gentle yet mysterious. I gulped, and silently made my way to his room which was opposite of the girls. Inside, I could hear excited chit chat and Shirley's squeals. I faced the door and gripped the handle before looking back at Miles. He was quietly watching me, and made a small wave. "Night." He whispered. I nodded.


Miles had always been the calm and collected one out of the three of us growing up. Caring and gentle, he was the one that always knew better.

I wonder if Shirley knew that he was hurting at that time. That he was rotting.

Because I think that, maybe, just maybe; if she had suspected... we could have done something.

We could have helped Miles.

Now... it's too late.

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