Blackhat's Defeat

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Dark. It's dark. I'm alone. I'm helpless.

Just like that time.

I'm stuck here... in the dark. I can't move. I can't do anything.

Why am I here again?

Did I fail to save someone? Like how I failed to save her?

"Hero." A voice called out. It's Linc. Then a sudden understanding came over me.

Ah, this is a dream. This must be.

I hope this has all been a dream.

"Linc?" I called out nervously. I opened my eyes and she looked down at me. She made a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness you're alright. If you died I would have been screwed." She smiled but it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. "You're crying."

It's not a dream. I realized sadly. I did fail to save her. And now she's dead.

I'm never going to see Danny again.

"I'm fine." I muttered, wiping away my tears. Then I remembered my wounds, a little too late. "Ack!"

"Take it easy." Linc stated as she eyed me unsure of what to believe. "I took the glass out of your back and stopped the bleeding, but you're still going to need some help."

"Right." I muttered, slowly running my hands through my hair. Then I remembered to look at my palms. Linc peered over my shoulder and I heard her make a sigh.

"Nine." She whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "You now only have nine wishes left in your lifetime."

"Damn..." I muttered underneath my breath. Then I looked up at Linc. "We've been bonded for close to a week now, haven't we?"

"Yeah." She said, rising to her feet to look off in the distance.

"I don't know what we're going to d-" Linc swiftly lifted me onto her shoulder and carried me away from the bloody scene, hiding us in the cramped space beside the mini block of the staircase and the fence of the roof. "Hey! What are you-"

"Shut up."Linc growled. I felt my mouth cave in on itself and felt my limp body being laid down between Linc's legs as she hugged me close from behind to keep someone from catching sight of my feet. I felt the cold numbing floor before I heard the metal door screech open.

"Damn, what a mess..." My eyes opened wide and I looked up to Linc's jawline when I realized I could recognize the voice.


"That Dragon tore Blackhat up! Well, HQ's not going to be happy about this." I heard clothes rustling and heard the touch dials of a phone being pressed. I felt Linc bring my head closer to her chest and her embrace tighten.

"Olivia? Yeah, it's me. Demon number 65 code Blackhat has been destroyed. Yeah, he's dead. His body's here, but his head is nowhere to be found. Can you contact HQ and let them know that one of the experiments for project DC has failed? Yeah? No, it's cool, I don't mind. Alright, I'll swing by tonight. No problem. See you later." I heard his phone click as he ended the call; and heard him sigh before punching in another number. "Hey Sher. Listen, I'm sleeping over at Sean's tonight." I could hear Shirley screaming at her twin from the other end of the phone.

"What? You can't leave now! I need you here with me! I'm scared! What if something dangerous happens to any of us while we're home?"

"I'm sure you'll be fine." He muttered, walking around Blackhat's headless body. Linc's hold on me tighten once more, and I could feel the warmth from her breast as they pressed against my back. Flustered, I looked down at the floor and secretly hoped Miles' would take his time. "Besides," He continued, obviously distracted. "You have Hero and uh, Linc staying over. They'll keep you safe."

"They aren't you!" She cried before he shut the phone off.

"Ugh, so annoying." Miles groaned. "Why doesn't she get that I'm busy?" I felt my chest tighten at his words and grew irritated at his previous comment.


"I better leave and barricade the door so that no one else can get in here. Geez, I better get promoted after this." I heard Miles' footsteps go away as he began to leave, but then he stopped.

"Oh? What do we have here?"

His voice neared along with his foot steps and I felt my heart drop in my chest. Terrified of the idea of being discovered, I looked up at Linc and I saw her horns emerge from her smooth forehead. Her fangs slowly began to increase in their length and I waited for the instant in which we would become discovered.

But it never came.

"A hat." I heard Miles mummer, the distance of his voice a little too close for comfort. Then I heard him make an amused noise before heading back to the door. "This is interesting."

The metal door screeched to a close and Linc gently moved me around so that she could face me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, and I could hear the worry buried deep within her voice. I gulped and nodded my head no. "You've lost a lot of blood, it's amazing that you're still even conscious." Suddenly, I remembered the medicine that the new nurse had given me. I had taken it without a second thought, but now I wonder if it's effects are the reason I'm still breathing and concious at the moment. I tried to move ny hand to touch hers, but all I could manage was to wriggle my middle finger and thumb around. I groaned feeling myself become uneasy.

"Linc..." I barely managed to say. She looked up at me, her red eyes piercing through my soul. "Could you... tell me everything please?" It wasn't an order, and I could feel myself become less tense when I didn't feel the pang in my hands that signified that I had wasted another wish. But Linc didn't share my joy. She simply nodded her head yes and held me against her chest until the light of day faded to night.

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