We Need Trust

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It was horrible. I never expected this to happen.

When my vision finally begin to clear, I realized that a hatted giant covered in black stood away from us, his pistols in hand; still smoking from the bullets he shot earlier. Bullets he now aimed at Linc for.

"I'll kill you!" She screamed.

Bang! Bang!

Linc remained on the floor with my body in her embrace; her eyes narrowed red with fury. But then they opened wide with shock.

I mean, I guess she didn't expect for me to urge my body upwards to defend her from being shot twice.

Bullets that I blocked with my body.

I collapsed down again, my chest heaving downwards unevenly as I struggled to breathe. Linc looked at me and I began to choke on my own blood. Linc held me in her arms once more and she looked at me, her eyes slanted in a permanent frown. "You're an idiot." She stated blandly. I laughed and felt a sharp pain in my right lung. My mouth opened wide as I tried to inhale, but the vile poisonous air had once again snaked it's way down my throat. Shaking uncontrollably, I saw dots in my vision as I fought off the desire to sleep forever.

Then I felt Linc's warm reassuring hands leave me. I whimpered when I felt the cold air press against my skin where her comforting hands were. Continuing to shake, I tried to gasp for air once more and felt my throat burn as a result of my foolishness. "H-help..."

"It'll be okay Hero..." I heard Linc softly say above me. And I flinched in suprise. Not because she had spoken to me without an insulting comment, but because I could hear the emotion in her voice. The worry. The anger. "I promise."

I moved in the direction of her voice and realized that my vision had become so bad, that all I could see now was a large white blur. Then the blur screamed, and became a bigger redder blur that hovered over my body.

Screaming. Roaring. Furious barks followed by the heat that left her mouth. Linc was losing it. Which shocked me.

I always assumed she didn't care too much about me. But as I watched the furious dragon protect my body and ensure me that everything would be okay; I realized that I couldn't have been more wrong. She hovered over my body, and used her snout to move me to my side.


I blinked, and realized a large veined wing had covered my head. Above me, Linc made a infuriated loud roar that shook the floor and caused the rubble on the roof to rise. I saw the enemy jolt in suprise. It was a moment before I realized the blood red dragon had deflected the bullet with only her wing.

Snarling, her head snaked around to follow the enemy's slow movements. Everytime he moved too fast or too close, she would snap at him; similar to a black bear defending her cubs.

She was a fierce red. Her back arched, her ruby red tail swung side to side in a warning. The shining yellow in her eyes intimidated the enemy before her; as the two rows of razor sharp teeth became visible everytime she snapped at him. Long, brown, cursive horns grew slanted over her head from her skull and her ginormous claws dug into the concrete beneath us as she gripped it tightly; it was preparation to launch herself at our opponent.

"Linc?" I called out nervously from underneath, my voice barely audible, but I knew she had heard it when her tail slowed then quickly picked up the slack almost immediately.

I coughed, and my eye twitched when I felt my muscles suddenly become as heavy as bricks. I felt her claws come near my face as she crouched down, lower to my body. Below her, she became close enough for me to barely see the bulge her ribs made, and the beige scales that covered her belly. I looked further up and saw the beige scales of her throat fade into red the further out her neck went.

It wasn't until I looked beyond her and saw that the floor was slightly vibrating as she shot fireballs from her gaping jaws; and that the white flashes that had been going off were gunshots, that I came to realize that I had lost my hearing.

And that they were locked in a battle of endurance.

Who's going to be left standing? Will it be the opponent with his smoking guns? I looked up and saw the red balls of fire ignite in her belly as a warm orange and leave Linc's mouth as a fiery red. Or will it be Linc?

Tears spilled from my eyes, along with the Dragon's blood that had somehow managed to drip down Linc's huge neck. Overhead, I saw the hatted red faced giant panic, and throw one of his pistols at her, earning himself a painful screech from Linc as it hit her eye.

He probably shot and barely hit her, and now he's out of bullets. I thought hopefully. Then my thoughts darkened when Linc stopped hovering over my body to went up to him herself. My vision blurred for the last and final time and I made my last breath; barely trying to hang on to see Linc's victory.

Alone. She's gone. She left me. I'm all alone. Alone. Linc she... she wouldn't leave me like this...


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