On The Same Bed

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"I really can't believe they lent us this penthouse!" I exclaimed as I stepped inside, looking out the ginormous glass window of a wall. I heard the door close gently behind me and I wipped out my phone  to begin texting my mom. "I should let mom know I moved. She's been really angry ever since the house burned down... even though someone's paying for it to be repaired, she's scary when she's mad..."

I looked to my side at Linc, who looked out of the window, her small hands pressed against the glass as if she was testing it's strength. "The cars... they appear to be so small..." I smiled at her expression and slid my hands into my sweatpant's pockets.

"Yeah. Everything is smaller up here." I agreed.

"This... it's as if I'm somewhere high." She blushed and looked down at her interlocked fingers. "I like this scenery." I felt my cheeks grow hot and we stood in awkward silence. She looked up at me, her red eyes longing.

I invaded her mind. I saw her deepest and darkest secrets. But she doesn't seem angry with me at all. In fact, it's the complete opposite. She's embarrassed. Is it because she sees me as a man now? As a hero?

As her hero?

She stepped closer and I stepped back. "The bath! I should clean myself." I blurted. "I'll go in first. Sit down and read a book or something Linc."

"Yeah." She whispered. I looked back at her and saw her take a seat on the couch, picking up one of the books Akita had lent her. I stepped into the bathroom, closed the door behind me, and stripped. When the water became hot enough, I stepped in.

Things are different now... we're different now.

How did I really feel? I contemplated this for a moment before deciding what I felt about our partnership. It's weird. I just want things to go back to the way they were.

This is too uncomfortable.

"Hey Linc, I'm out." I called as I got out of the shower, my atire replaced by loss grey pajamas and a dark blue cotton shirt. She set her book down and stood from the couch.

"Oh, I guess I'll go in now." She stood and I looked at the strands of her white blonde hair as she walked passed me.

"I-I left some c-clothes for you in there..." I stuttered nervously, her white blonde hairs having a strange effect on me. She turned around to face me and gave me a beautiful smile. My eyes widened and she lowered her eyes upon seeing my reaction.


When the door to the bathroom closed, I sunk to the floor against the black leather couch. I grabbed my chest and closed my eyes.

This feeling in my chest... I've been feeling it for a while now, but after I soul dived into Linc, it's been worse. I can't think straight with Linc around, I get nervous and my heart pounds like crazy. All we've done is talk today! What will happen in case we...

No, that'd never happen. She's only with me because of obligation. So why...?

Why is it that everytime she smiles at me my heart jumps?

I sat down on the couch and groaned. I spent the next fifteen minutes scratching my head hopeless and lost before I heard the bathroom door open. "Hey Hero, do you know if we have a hair dryer here?"

I turned up to look at her and my heart, again, went wild in my chest. Her damp hair, the way she wore my clothes... my cheeks grew hot and she came close. She tapped her forehead against mine and I stiffened. "Do you have a fever Hero? Your face is red."

"I'm not feverish!" I yelled nervously, jumping up to go back into the bathroom. "I'll get you the hair dryer!"

"Um... thank you?" She said as she looked at me confused. I fumbled around the cabinets within the bathroom until I found a silver electronic blow dryer. I hopped back out and handed it to Linc. I coughed a bit and looked off embarrassed.

"Er... here you go."

"Thank you Hero." She said gratefully, and I sat down flustered.

"It... It was nothing."

I looked at my phone and saw three missed calls from my phone, and ten text messages. Mother was rampaging on how in the hell I was able to afford a penthouse, and why I didn't just go live with her in her new apartment. I felt my mind drop. How could I explain all of this to my mom? Not wanting to think about it any further, I set my phone down on the table and looked up to see Linc blow drying her hair.

"You have long hair." I observed. "Isn't it a bother to dry it all?"

"Well," She began as she struggled to dry the back of her head. "I've had my hair this long for a long time, so I'm used to it. This is a new machine though. It is slow but seems to be efficient." I stood, walked behind her and grabbed the dryer from her hand. "Hey, what are you-"

"I'll help." I commented, amused after seeing her struggle drying the back of her hair for so long.

"That's unnecessary, I can-"

"Please, allow me." I politely insisted. She cocked her neck back to look at me, and her red eyes smiled.

"Okay." She looked straight and I began to dry her hair. I gently took strands of her hair into my hand and slowly dried the wet parts.

"Does it hurt?" I asked concerned. She made a small noise before clearing her throat to answer.

"No, not at all..." She responded quietly. I nodded and continued to dry her hair. "There's only one bed here."

"Huh?" I asked shocked, turning off the loud dryer despite hearing her well. She remained silent and I walked around to sit next to her, setting the dryer down on the table in front of us next to my phone.

"There's only one bed. Where should I sleep Hero?"

"On the bed of course." I responded without missing a beat. "I'll take the couch, so its fine-"

"That doesn't seem right." Linc cut me off. "You're the human here, and also my partner."

"I'm your friend." I corrected her. She bit her lip and looked away from me, at the window.

"I'll take the couch and you can have the bed Linc. Really its fine, I like sleeping on couches anyways."

"You liar." Linc said, looking back at me with her dragon eyes. I chuckled at them. They were enough to send rabid wolves crying away. Enough to make humans piss themselves. But when I looked at her eyes, all I saw was the swirling beauty inside where others only saw something monstrous.

"Ah, I guess I've been found out." I chuckled softly. She continued to look at me, her face becoming desperate. I crossed my arms and held my ground as I moved to sat next to her. "You're taking the bed and that's that. The couch is mine." I declared.

Linc looked at me, her red dragon eyes still bright as she neared me. She walked on her knees on the couch as she crawled towards me. I leaned back to avoid getting too close to her. But then I was pushed back into the handle of the couch. This was as far as I could go. She placed her hands on my shoulders and became close enough for our breath's to mingle. I felt my heart continue to go crazy in my chest and somehow, I knew her's was too.

"How about..." She opened her pink lips to speak, and I watched them open and close with my heart full of desire. "we sleep in the same bed together?"

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