Linc's Childhood Part One

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I floated around in the light for a bit. It took me a moment to realize I was inside Linc's mind. Suddenly, colors flashed me. I became still as I watched a series of events begin to unfold before me, keeping my eyes peeled for something irregular that could have been the bug that's killing Linc.

Shrill screams fill the air as it rained blood. The chubby Lord of the manor ran out of his home, which by now was half gone. The flames had consumed half of his property and all he was left with as he ran out were his burnt clothes.

"Dragons!" He screamed as he dropped to the floor, rolling around in the reddish mud hoping to put out the flames. He succeeded, but as he looked up at the sky he wondered if he could in stay alive by simply avoiding death by flames.

Countless of dragons filled the air, most launching colored fire balls in the air as a sign of joy. The Lord had believed his mediocre sized piece of land was safe in the valleys of the mountain. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Suddenly, the ground shook. The Lord thought quickly and hid himself in the mud, hoping that it would mask his scent. A blue and red dragon fought their way near him, snapping and roaring at each other over a dead human body. They stopped only until it was torn in half. When they were satisfied with their halves they flew away, and the Lord flinched when he saw something unfathomable when the dragons cleared.

A little girl who couldn't have been much older then 6 stood near the flying dragons. They hadn't noticed her yet, but she didn't move. Didn't flee.

The Lord picked himself up and quickly hustled towards the girl. The closer he became, the more he realized she was unfamiliar.

She had long white hair that reached her waist. Her eyes were closed shut and she stood in a tattered white dress, waiting. He rushed towards her, swiftly picking her up and ran back in the direction in which he came from. He found a short alley between two house that he thought the dragons wouldn't think to check and sighed.

"Are you insane? You could have died! What were you thinking kid?" He harshly screamed, and quickly looked around to ensure the dragons didn't hear him. He was safe. She remained silent, her eyes closed and nose twitching slightly. He grew upset at her silence. "Jesus, did I really just risk my life for this brat? What if I died?"

"I hungry." She spoke, her words roughly put together as if she didn't know how to speak. Her voice was high pitched and like a squeak, instantly catching his attention. After a few seconds he brushed off her comment and leaned from the corner of the alley way, checking to see if the coast was clear of dragons.

"We're all hungry. The dragons have been raiding this place for days. In other villages, they raid for an hour and go find food elsewhere when we go into hiding, but..." A dragon flew by and he leaned back against the wall panicking. "Shit!" He slammed his fist into the wall and noticed the girl, her eyes still closed. "Hey, you." The mayor said, beginning to lick his lips. He began to salivate as he gazed at her. "You... you don't look like you're starving. Are you really even hungry?"

"I hungry." She repeated like a broken record. He felt a cruel smile come onto his lips.

"You can't see me either, can you?" She remained silent, her ears suddenly perking and her white tattered dress shifting behind her. He laughed and swung her onto his arms. "You may not be able to eat, but maybe I will!" She screamed for help and he began to loosen his robes. "But maybe I can have some fun first too!"

An ear piercing scream filled the air and he dropped her almost immediately. He fell onto his knees clamping his bleeding ears and looked up.

Her eyes were wide and he felt his voice become caught in his throat. Her eyes were open, and what he saw were angry red snake eyes. "Monster!" He cried as soon as she finished screeching. He got up and tried to scramble away. But it was no use. It was only as the dragons obliterated the house's around the Lord did he realize that her scream was a call for aid.

Modern Reaper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora