I Hate You

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I woke up that morning, Linc gone from my bed. The only thing that kept me from thinking the night had been a dream was the silky dark blue bra at the foot of my bed.

Embarrassed by it, and even more embarrassed by the thought of Shirely or Miles finding it; I hid it in the pillow case and began to get ready for school.

I swung my feet around the bed and planted them underneath me. The floor was colder than I expected, so I shuddered and reminded myself to wear socks next time I went to bed.

Walking out of the room, I rushed back in to double check that I had made my bed and that the bra was out of sight. Sighing with relief, I quickly turned around back into the narrow hallway and bumped into a wet Shirley. In the blink of an eye she had slipped and had fallen to the floor; dragging me along with her.


"Ow..." I groaned, scratching my head, my eyes clamped shut as I waited for the wave of pain to pass. When I opened them, I barely made out the image of a flustered Shirley, fresh out the shower; and almost naked underneath me.


I was on the floor facing the ceiling, my left cheek burning. I heard her cry out and run into her room; then heard Linc's angry footsteps approach me. I slowly opened my eyes, and wished I had opened them sooner.

Maybe if I had, I would have been able to prevent Linc's kick to my crowned jewels.

"Dang man, why do you look so dead?" Miles asked when he finally sat down at the table after cooking up breakfast; crepes with nutella chocolate. The girls had gone on ahead of us; I was left home with Miles late for school, but satisfied with the breakfast before me.

"I experienced something no person should ever have to go through." I groaned as I attempted to  quickly eat my breakfast, cutting the crepes into smaller rectangles before stabbing them with the fork. Carrying it and placing it in my mouth, I looked up to see Miles watching me amused.

"I bet." He said laughingly. I shook my head when I realized he knew exactly what I was talking about. Shaking my head, I caught sight of the clock on the counter.

8:16 a.m

School starts at 8:30 a.m...

Wolfing down the breakfast, I decided that I would make a break for it and make a last rush to school; despite the fact that under normal circumstances I would get there from Miles' house in thirty to forty minutes. I quickly got onto my feet and set my plate in the sink. My bag at my foot, I picked it up and slung it over my shoulder before I  looked at Miles. "Go on ahead, I'll go to school a little later." He muttered, his attention focused on his phone and his food untouched.

"Are you sure?" I asked, unsure as to whether I should really leave him or wait. He swatted me away.

"I have something to finish up before I head on over anyways."

"Oh. Alright then..." I slowly walked to the door and looked back. "See you later?" I asked. He looked up at me from his phone and nodded.


I walked through the door, gently bringing it to a close. I turned around and made my way down the large stretch of vacant neighborhood road. While I walked down it, I began to think about Miles' strange behavior. It was a persistent thought that continued to tug at the corners on my mind as I took the train; until finally I couldn't take it anymore.

I rushed into school right as the bell rang and ran into class before the late bell rang. I quickly settled myself in while the other kids shot daggers at me. Ignoring them, I yanked out my books from my bag, set them on the table, and turned to my right to talk to Shirley before the teacher walked into class.

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