The Tiger Reaper

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"Hey, who are you? Get away from her!" The white haired boy glanced at me and I looked at his eyes. They were a steely blue and I froze in my tracks. He swiftly approached me and brought the smell of cologne with him. Dressed in a business suit with a red tie, I hadn't expected for someone who was supposed to be professional to grab my throat and to lift me off the floor with ease.

"Do not interfere."

His voice was quiet, but it sent shivers down my spine. Alluring yet menacing, I glared at him conflicted as his hold on my throat tightened. "Let me go!" I screeched, suddenly realizing that I was under attack. I grabbed onto his wrist and tried to release myself. His eyes widened and I looked down at the hand that was holding my throat captive.

My engraved palms that symbolized that I was a human reaper was touching his skin.

He released me and I landed on my feet, quickly scrambling away towards Linc's unconscious body. He looked at me, his eyes wide for a moment before they narrowed.

"You're her partner." He stated unmoved. I gulped and moved closer to Linc's body, prepared to defend her to the death.

"And if I am?" I questioned. He sped past me in a second, and before I realized what was going on, he had Linc carried in his arms. "Hey, what are you-"

"If you value her life you will be silent and follow." He barked, shutting me up. I watched him walk past me and through the door and I was quick to follow.

He exited the school without a problem, much to my surprise; considering the school's puzzling structure. The moment we walked out of school a long white car pulled up from the corner and stopped just in front of us.

A limosine?!

A short stocky man dressed as a butler stepped out of the drivers seat and rushed to open the door for the mysterious boy. He stepped inside the vehicle and I rushed in behind him without a second thought.

"Take us home Fred." He said. The stocky man nodded, locked the doors, and got into the driver's seat. The window that separated us from him up pulled up, and I felt the limosine jerk forward. All that was left for me to do was to glance at the well dressed boy in front of me.

I scrutinized his expressionless face and he glared at me in return. He reminded me a lot of Linc when we first met. Cold. Unsympathetic. I looked down to see he had Linc laid down, her head resting on his lap.

It made me feel jealous.

"My name is Zephyr." He said, his eyes piercing and cold. "I am the White Tiger Reaper. I am bonded to the human Akita. I am the only ally of the dragon, therefore I am also your ally. Your only ally." He added on upon seeing ny expression.

"What's going on?" I asked bluntly, ignoring his pleasantries. "You're our ally? Whatever, just tell me- what's happening to Linc?"

"Linc?" He repeated confused. He looked down at her and his facial expression softened. "I see." He whispered. He looked back up at me and I felt the limo pull to a stop. "Akita will explain it to you."

I opened my mouth to retort when I saw the limosine door being opened by Fred. I unbuckled myself and stepped out of the car only to be bombarded by an unbelievable amount of light.

Isn't it supposed to be night time?

When my eyes adjusted, I realized we were in the front of a humongous building. The limo stopped in a gorgeous driveway; a large water fountain of a tiger in the center. The light came from where a tiger's white fur would have been. It sent light and water out beautifully. "Is this a bank?" I asked confused by the articulate details found wherever I looked. Zephyr looked at me puzzled and shook his head no.

"No, this is where Akita and I live."

I gawked at the house, eventually being pushed along by Fred the butler. Zephyr carried Linc in his arms as we stepped inside and two maids came running to him with a stretcher.

"Wait what are you-"

"Please sir," They assured me. "we'll take good care of her. Don't worry." One of the maids promised. I felt my heart become wrenched as I saw Linc laid on the stretched and eventually being pushed away.

"Come." Zephyr ordered. I looked up at him, feeling rebellious, but I complied.

I have to figure out what's going on first.

Zephyr led me to the spacious entrance of the mansion. A chandelier hanging before the entrance, and two opposite curved staircases onto the same floor. We walked up one of the dual staircase that I noticed upon entering the magnificent building. Once we were on the second floor, he and his Butler Alfred then guided me down a hallway to the left. They both stopped before a large elegant door, a few feet taller than me.

Alfred turned around and stationed himself at the entrance. Zephyr motioned me to follow. He pushed one of the doors open and quickly slipped inside. I quickly followed suit.

The doors closed with a large noise and as soon as it was over I could here a girl bickering. I turned around and, upon realizing that it was an Oxford styled library, I immediately became curious as to who would complain so loudly in a quiet room.

"This government business is driving me insane! Oh Zephyr, come here. Do you see this chart? Look at how the money is dipping! It's almost as if they knew I was a human reaper and were sabotaging our organization on purpose!" I walked behind Zephyr to a large desk. It looks like it could be mahogany, and the idea of touching it and accidentally breaking anything related to it gave me chills.

A large black leather chair was turned, and I realized that the origin of the voice was the person sitting on the chair. Zephyr went over to her and whispered. Her talking stopped. "Oh." She responded. She turned her chair around and the one filling it was a small asian girl with alluring almond eyes. She took off her glasses and I noticed that they were the chestnut colored, like mine.


She stood and walked around the desk, leaning against it's front. She wore a simple dark blue dress with matching ribbons in her hair. She had a bow wrapped around her waistline that was blue as well, and the ends of the dress were frilled in a cute way. Yet I noticed she lacked in an area in which Linc dominanted.

She's a bit petite...

"My name is Akita Kero. I am bonded to the White Tiger Zodiac Reaper. I understand our Reapers have arranged an alliance between them?"

"Yes. Maybe? I don't know!" I exclaimed, making her flinch in suprise and Zephyr defensively stepped closer to her. "Sorry..." I apologized, embarrassed to have intimidated them. "Linc is sick, and I hate feeling helpless. I want to help her."

"Linc?" She repeated confused. "Oh, you mean Nikai." I looked at her puzzled and she moved on. "It's possible for you to save Linc." Akita stated. She placed her squared glossy framed glasses back over her eyes. "But first, you need to understand the situation."

"Situation?" I repeated confused. She nodded and gestured towards the dark leather couches that sat parallel from each other. I sat down alone on one, and Zephyr sat down opposite from me. His expression remained cold and umoving, even when Akita sat on his lap.

There's plenty of space on this couch...

"You need to understand what's happening within Linc and yourself before you even attempt to help her."

"Well what's happening to her? To us?" I asked concerned. Akita grew stiff and Zephyr grew serious.

"Linc..." Akita began sadly. "Linc is dying."

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