Unwanted Memories

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Dedicated to parinwatson , thank you for all of your support! ٩(˃̶͈̀ ˂̶͈́)۶

"No!" I knocked the knife from his hand and tackled the maniac to the ground. He gutted me like a fish but I managed to keep him in his place. "Run!" I screamed at my mother. She looked at me, her eyes wide with fear until I screamed at her again. "Run!" My mother looked at Danny and grabbed her hand to lead her away. But Danny didn't want to leave me. She screamed at me until she was eventually dragged away.

"You stupid piece of crap!" The maniac knocked me to the ground and mounted me. "You let them get away!" He swiftly picked up the knife in his hand. It only took seconds until I felt the cold foreign object sink into my stomach.

I yelled out, my eyes bulging from their sockets in pain. He smiled at my expression and began to laugh.

"Yes! Yes!" He chanted. "That's it! That's the face!" He dug the knife deeper into me, using two hands on the knife's small handle to make it go further into me. I cried out and screamed, flailing around in an attempt to free myself to no avail. He laughed hysterically and leaned in close. "You make such a cute face boy! I wonder what type of face your sister will make when I slice her up?"

When those words left his lips, I felt anger surge through me. In an instant I was sitting up, cocking my fist back and thrusting it forward until it landed. I punched him square in the face and he flew off me. He looked at me, a flicker of fear replaced with anger within an instant. He got up and kick me in my gut, earning himself my antagonized yelps. The knife did a 90 degree turn inside of me and I screamed in pain. He touched his swollen nose and got down on his knees next to me, gripping me by my neck with a hand.

"You hit me!" He screeched as he choked me. He took the knife out of my gut and I felt the cold metal leave me, sliding out of me leaving a deep void where smooth skin used to be. "Oh, don't worry..." He whispered, his foul breath on my ear. "I know exactly where to put your body so that they'll never find you!"

I screamed again, yelling for someone to help me. "Somebody! Help me-"

"Shut up!" He growled punching me in the face. I felt my nose crunch underneath his fist and I cried out. He grinned before thrusting the knife deeper into my flesh again, this time across the first slit. He licked his lips at my horror filled expression and began to twist the knife when suddenly, the blaring of sirens caught his attention. "Shit!" He yanked the knife out my stomach and ran off in the direction that my mother and Danny had been.

"No!" I screamed, my hand outstretched at his hurried silhouette as my vision began to blur and darken. "Somebody stop him!" I screamed. The night sky became filled with red and blue lights. But my eyes were fixed at his disappearing figure until I no could no longer see. "Stay away from mom and Danny...! No! No!!"

"Hero, wake up." My eyes flew open and I grabbed the nearest thing nearby. I was surprised to find myself laid in between Linc's legs on a queen sized bed. I gripped her arms desperately, and let go when I realized who I was touching.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Who's Danny?" She asked. I sat up and glared into her marvelous red yet mysterious eyes.

"Where did you hear that name?" I asked bitterly, hearing the pain within my own voice. Her eyes soften and I felt her fingers slowly trace though my hair. I cringed in suprise at her touch, still remembering the sharpness of the blade I was stabbed twice with.

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