The Hero Falls

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"Danny you're not real..." I muttered to myself, violently shaking my head and pushing her away. Danny held my limbs as I thrashed against her, and brought my wrist closer to her chest. She had grown. She was almost my height; which was saying something. Everything about her was nostalgic and different, and it reminded me so much about my childhood that it was becoming painful.

I had spent years convincing myself that my first love, that my beautiful little sister, was murdered and that it was my fault. And now? As her smooth chocolate skin brushed againstmy pale hands, my mind raced with thousands of questions.

Did she really die? Was she brought back? Who brought her back? What if she never died?

Who stole her from me for all of these years?

"You're so cute Hero. Of course I'm here. We promised each other, remember? We'll never leave each other's side."

The childhood promise made from tears and blood. I haven't heard it in so long that hearing it come from a person that wasn't in my dreams was startling. Taken back by her words, I jolted upon remembering that it wasn't just our promise anymore.

It was the promise I shared with Linc.

Danny had disappeared from my life, destroying it as she did so.

Linc restored it, gluing back the shattered glass that was my identity.

But was the glue Linc used strong enough? My eyes darted around until I saw Linc, angrily arguing with Miles. My heart was in turmoil and what was she doing? She was arguing with another boy. Confused as to why seeing Linc pay another boy more attention then me made my chest hurt so much, I looked up into Danny's expecting eyes.

Why are they looking at me like that? Why do they look so real? Why does she look so real? She... she can't really be Danny.

Can she?

"We buried your casket..." I muttered as I began to sink to the floor. Seeing my knees buckle, Danny kneeled on the floor and sat me down in between her legs. I watched my limbs fold in front of me and she shifted her body to face mine while I spoke dumbly. " I... I watched it go down..." I muttered before wildly shaking.

It hurts. Remembering hurts so much. My eyes threatened to spill tears as I remembered what I felt seeing my sister's casket slowly become lowered into the Earth. The unwelcome lump in my throat returned and I choked on my next words as I began to push the intruder away. "You're dead. You're not real. I'm hallucinating again. You... you're not-"

"They saved me Hero!" Danny raised her voice upon seeing my trust in her shatter. Beside us, I noticed Linc charge at us only to be blocked off by Shirley. Danny placed her hands on my jaw and forced me to look into her demanding eyes. The way she looked down at me with such reassurance not only made me more interested in her words, but also less keen to what she was actually saying.

"The man that kidnapped me... he's a genius." Danny told me. I swallowed her words as she offered them to me. With each word she spoke, with each expression she made, with each breath she took, I believed her. She held my arms; her skin-ship made me trust her even more. She... she really was Danny. Everything about her screamed family, which was something I lacked after her death. Hanging on her every word, I mindlessly listened to what Danny muttered. I could feel Linc's watch us, but I pushed the idea of Linc away.

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